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Everything posted by Sabactus

  1. Another Veto creation. Do you design them to look ridiculous?
  2. From the Nova Punch pack. Its the black cross members you see.
  3. As I understand it if you hit atmo going too fast the G force smashes your ship. You\'d have to slow down to survive reentry.
  4. I just don\'t understand how people can call anything in this game 'cheating'. We have no real objectives, no scoring methods, none of the parts are really balanced because the values they use are arbitrary and we have open config files. Its not like we are having to hack into the game settings.
  5. I actually have a new variant with 3 sunbeams. It vaporizes anything in like 2 seconds. Im working on a way to use the sunbeam laser sight to sight in the devastators cause they are hard to aim.
  6. Very very slowly and its onle the ones with the fuel tank mesh. I\'ve started using the small ones and no problem there. And I don\'t think I left the rcs toggle on when I reengaged MechJeb Oh and here\'s one of my airships
  7. Just located the secondary KSC and I happened to equip the ship with a Muon detector and as I came in to land the bugger started going haywire. After a cursory glance around I found this. New find or did I miss its discovery in the thread?
  8. Here is the fully functional ship. It is actually more fuel efficient than the Double D and I\'ve equipped it with pontoons, C7 cylindrical structural peice, for water landing rather than the struts I now have on Double D
  9. Well I got another one on the way. Right now it is just in the prototype phase be I couldn\'t wait to share it. I\'ve already named this line. I give you the Nostalgia for Infinity (+10 internets if you can name the book reference)
  10. This may be a bug report. The small tanks, the ones using the attachment point mesh, seem to auto refill without any control input.
  11. Kerbal Space Program is a rocket flight simulator but when I found the blimp mod I found that I have developed an affinity for airships, maybe thats just the steampunk fan in me. So the question is, what fun uses have you found for KSP that were not initially intended?
  12. Yeah I really need to develop the habit of reading the entire thread before posting. I found that not 30 seconds after I posted. I set the max temp to 10,000.
  13. I dont know what I am doing wrong but every time I use the tower the platform explodes the moment I leave the VAB to launch
  14. Yet another example of how other users bastardize mods. I used this to let me control altitude on my airship
  15. The latest in experemental airship designs. I give you the Double D
  16. 'This video contains content from UMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.'
  17. Whats really fun is that having all the engines on rotators makes it so that I can use the bottom one as a power rudder which makes this thing quite nimble.
  18. Not a space craft but still a lot of fun. Because the ship is oddly shaped you\'ll only want to use a small amount of available thrust in order to keep it level because of this it is VERY slow, like 15 m/s slow. It likes to hang around 7200 m. Currently I\'m attempting a ocean crossing in it but the range is quite limited. It uses the C7 pack, BACE pack, the Kosmos pack and the Blimp addon
  19. Lol, I love you guys. It makes be laugh to see unique applications like this. Oh how I would love to be a fly on the wall when the devs see things like this. 'Wait...what...how....They made it do what?'
  20. Sabactus’s Trans lunar injection made easy. I’m going to take you from ground to lunar orbit. I’m not stock parts ninja like some people on the forum and I like using some of the packages. A particular favorite is the Down Under Aerospace pack. Here we have the Luna rocket, a very robust and elegant ship. This baby has taken me to the moon many of times. It’s slightly modified with a MechJeb for when I want precision landings at my moon base. So let’s get going, you are going to want to thrust vertically for approximately 10 kms then you are going to start VERY slowly angling over east. The 1st stage will get you to about 18–19 kms up just keep turning her. A few rules of them at about 30 km you’ll wanna be at about 45 degrees and at 60 kms you’ll want to be level. Once you apogee hits 100 km cut the engine and coast up there and then circularize. At that point you should coast in orbit until you see the moon rising about the horizon. That is you queue to start your injection run. Thrust along you prograde vector till your apogee is slightly higher than 11,400 kms, the height of the Mun’s orbit. Then it is a waiting game. If you performed the maneuvers correctly you should be captured by the moons gravity.
  21. If you dont have problems with using mods the Luna rocket from Down Under Aerospace works great for getting to the moon and back. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3362.0
  22. Oooo rotation. Im going to make something like this.
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