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  1. You can still include the part in the mod for people that wish to use it, after all part can still be there just for looks, but functionality can be moved completely to toolbar.
  2. That's great . Thanks for answering. I'm aware of this method. I was simply wondering if we will be getting part-less version of KER as like I said in my previous post - how it currently works its rather redundant with all the toolbars being around .
  3. Are you planning to make part-less version of KER? Since we have great toolbar functionality both in stock game and available via mods, requirement to put KER part on the vessel to turn plugin on seems a bit redundant.
  4. There is a simple solution. After contract is completed launched satellite simply vanishes from the game.
  5. It looks like author simply doesn't realize that debris is not recovered automatically when you recovering your active vessel and it must be done separately (from tracking station). Recovering science from debris worked, so I don't see a reason why doing same thing with funds wouldn't be possible.
  6. Kinda. Idea of contracts/earning money/dealing with reputation existed in KSP lead dev head since infancy of the game, far before MC mod came into existence.
  7. I'm not even surprised by this, every part that was added lately fits this "style": reused, more or less modified models of other stock parts and mediocre texture work. Unfortunately Squad currently lacks proper content designer (Nova left, B9 left and Claira is apparently still hired but we didn't seen anything made by her since... forever) and that's why we getting parts looking like this. Generally I'm happy that we finally getting bigger parts into the stock game but Squad really needs to hire some talented content designer. Fast. (and fortunately it looks that they are currently looking for one)
  8. Why is it matter so much if said DLC is FREE? And besides, it is no longer in DLC form - it will be integrated into the stock game. (LINK)
  9. From the latest news (and also this) it looks like NASA pack will be simply an another update for KSP, and not a separate "mission pack" as it was planned before. Besides... it is free, so it doesn't matter in which form we would get it - but full integration into the stock game is more preferable of course, and fortunately it looks like this is what we getting.
  10. Seems like those "core game modifications" will simply arrive as a part of NASA pack...
  11. According to the Maxmaps they already changed form of it to be part of the stock game and not a separate DLC pack: link to source of the quote -> LINK <-So I dare to make a assumption that we going to get asteroids and all the awesomeness surrounding them in 24.1 update
  12. Well, it is possible to get 0.15 version from some certain "bay" but it is not exactly legal (not that anyone would really mind it as this version is ancient and you already bought the game anyway). So it is up to you...
  13. Been playing KSP since 0.7.3 (but joined forum on some later date), well... "playing" as launch rocket few times - see how high it can fly - quit game - come back next version, there wasn't really much to do in KSP back in these days - true fun with KSP started when they added planets in 0.17 and most importantly docking and maneuver nodes in 0.18 (two best updates KSP ever received).
  14. I'm not sure what you actually expected from this feature - dynamically generated missions seem like perfect fit for the type of gameplay KSP is offering.
  15. Interesting, I never considered it to be hard, quite the opposite - actual docking is giving me more problems than rendezvous process (thanks to lack of proper docking camera in stock game, trying to dock in third person view is rather inconvenient).
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