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Everything posted by IWantSumCrusha

  1. chuck kerman? will you even need a rocket to get anywhere? Yeah thats one of things they were discussing on the podcast, i would like to see it get to the point where the little frame in the bottom right is filled with ridiculously huge beards. haha, didn't occur to me about the oxygen, i wonder if it would steam up. like all you could see is smoke swirling round the helmet
  2. now most of you wont know them, but a small group of people (3, TTlabambaTT, Mikeru94 and Cybutek (yes the modder behind kerbal engineer)) do a weekly KSP podcast, called KSPod ( www.kspod.com , www.twitch.tv/kerbalspacepod ). Now yesterday (05/05/13) the guest was the community manager Captain skunky. Now he is well known for his beard, which brought up the question, should kerbals ever have beards. This got me thinking: doesn't Jeb look more bad-ass with a beard? Link to full res version here (PS. for any one who was at the stream #beardofskunky)
  3. personally, i thinks it's easier to use the mod. it's not like it's cheating or anything, all it does is show you planets and your orbit position and speed. I could try to make a vanilla tutorial but i don't think i have the brain power...
  4. mods as in the protractor mod or the actual craft? the craft doesn't matter, but the calculator is meant to make it simple. Not everyone can pick up when you have to burn in vanilla game. Thanks for the criticism, i may need to add annotations in the vid to explain everything
  5. My Interplanetary guide for Kerbal Space Program Now im sure there are other giudes out there but most of them i have seen are written examples or diagrams and then on the other-hand videos are just people showing that they got to a planet but not explaining it. So i made this quick video for those who need help getting another planet, to be able to follow the guide all you need is a craft capable of getting to where you want to go and the Protractor mod -IWSC Note: in poll options, option 3 "do x to make it better" please post what you think could be added to improve it
  6. Just like i said on the video, ITS TOO AWESOME! i will always use this mod <3
  7. I would love to help, but I have no idea. I can get to mun on my own but in not sure about minmus, I'm sure there is a thread around which gives the steps to do it
  8. A full proof method is to build a space plane, only usinging rocket engines and then stand it up like a rocket, and then attach boosters or whatever you want to get it into orbit. My ship can get to minus and back with 2 fuel tanks left with that method, but it is more like a space ship tho.
  9. I would love to use this, but now I'm on holiday using my iPad, I've landed on both planets with my, um... Well its like I built a vertical space plane and the stuck on a ton of rockets to get it into orbit, but when I try to land its a pain using landing gear? Having this would make it easier plus I have mech jeb
  10. I tend to have quite a bit of lag on launch as well, partly ksp and partly my laptop as there are a few games it don't like. The only thing I can say is to go into the options menu (title screen) and lower the graphics settings
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