Not necessarily. Dude its really hard to test this, my beast computer is slowing down to 10fps with yellow time text. Well i have to go sorry. Check if the fuel is draining symetrically. Sometimes bugs mess that up
I am currently doing some testing on using them as landing gear, sofar they seem really solid. Weapon testing soon EDIT: Did a simulated landing on kerbin at 130 m/s. THey survived fine. Lemme try something faster EDIT: Sometime it does survive around 100m/s, sometimes it doesnt. Lemme try making it a weapon, but i have nothing to shoot at though. My own crafts arent that good armoured EDIT: Downloaded DREK 15
I remember when i simply thought getting into the same orbit as duna and time warping enough would give me an encounter. Spent hours doing that I found it out by guestimating burns. (Before manuever nodes was). So eventually i stranded a poor kerbal at duna
Nice system! Another way to solve the I beam not killing a heavy vessel is this: I = I-beam A = Air intake | = Armor A | I I | A | When the large I beam hits the armor, the armor blows up. It then leavs the 2 air intakes to hit the internal components of the ship
Thank you, but you didn't answe the other part. Say i have 3 ships: 1 is 10 tonnes, the second is 20 tonnes, the third is 30 tonnes. Would i have to attack with craft 1 first, then 2, then 3 etc?
I already switched over to only using guided missiles. But thanks anyways! Also clarification on the rules: So, i can only attack ONCE per turn, and i have to on the first turn use the lightest ship, etc etc? And if i have guided missiles, can i only fire 1 shot?