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Everything posted by Slaine

  1. Wow! With this design there´s no need for mods =p Truly the most beutiful and well functioning stock rocket I´ve seen! I wonder how far it could take a crew in 0.17? Maybe Duna or Eve?
  2. Hoping somone can help =) How do I communicate between parts? I have two classes that extend the Part class and I want one of them to keep an eye on the other. I found this piece of code in the source code for Zoxygen but I'm not entirely sure what it does and if it is what I'm loking for? It seems to go through all parts in the vessel and return an object of that part? int VPartCnt = PART.vessel.parts.Count; for (int i = 0; i <= VPartCnt - 1; i++) { if (PART.vessel.parts.ElementAt(i).GetType().Name == "LiquidFuelEngine") { PART.vessel.parts.ElementAt(i) seems to return the object of the part. But how do I access its methods?
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