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Everything posted by Kerbolman

  1. Bro the Jool V is basically a Saturn V, and there are even replica mods out there for download
  2. I've found that they do get PRETTY hot with my early MBP, the fan alone just acts like a big hairy dog in Death Vally
  3. *facepalm* They plan on it, these questions have been asked... in the thread that is relavent and not 3 full versions outdated. Go there and ask away. PS. Calling all mods!!!! LOCK IT
  4. Thats a shame man, it's such a great game and you make such beautiful mods
  5. Any ETA on when those SABRE engines will be in the hand of well trained professional..... oh wait.... poorly trained goofballs looking to blow things up?
  6. I love that LM, but I think the decent stage's color should be a bit more gold in coloring, could just be my broken computer screen though......
  7. The NK-15 was used on the first and second stages of the N-1 (correct me if I'm wrong)
  8. Hmm, now I can stalk cBBp on Facebook... jk How about doing the Antares for the next project?
  9. If you are even going to continue
  10. Hey I am a BIG fan of the Avatar stuff and I was thinking you could team up with MANSUR Industries, he has awesome texturing skills and is planning on the project keep up the good work
  11. OMG looks awesome!!! i think a good way of getting it into space would be the jump drive (from the orbital construction mod) once it gets updated. keep up the good word
  12. Will this work for .17 or will we have to wait for Truss 2.0 or whatever you want to call it??
  13. hey i have been looking for a good set of solar panals for a while now. here they are. but there is no mac plugin..... so....
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