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    Is Going lik'a Boeing Bru

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  1. So development has been stepped back a few notches, as the models & unity files from the last release have been lost.. However, I figured now would be a good time to do a bit of minor re-modelling: Hopefully ill have the model back up to scratch in about a week or so..: STAY TUNED!
  2. ... To be quite honest, Ive been away from KSP for a li'l while, mainly due to the hardware problems ive been having round about the time development kinda fizzled.. Titan ever so slightly slipped my mind hey.. Most of the recent work has been lost, but it shouldn be too much of a problem to recover.. So I figure, enough stalling,. Going to rework the model tonight, I'll post updates on the original thread?
  3. Hey wassup yo, writing ta you directly coz ya seem to be my little projects biggest fan.

    Appologies for the radio silence lolsigh..

    As in my latest post, li'l to lazy and indecissive already, to go through the dev thread again..

    instead, lemme ask you. if thats ok?

    In your opinion, what seems to be the most "in-demand" variation of Titan's cargo bay doors/function? side or bottom doors etc?

    Also, ive been contemplating switching up the braking engine for the crew hatch/ramp, as after some more play testing, used so rarely. replacing it with 2 much smaller thrusters.

    Anyhow, thats it.

    Lemme know ey!

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  4. Hey hey, As is quite obvious: Ive been away from the forum & KSP for a while, busy, sigh.. Just a quickie to let yall know, I am officially resuming work on this li'l bugger.. Cant give any predictions, gotta catch up again first... To spare me a bit of thread crawling and indecissiveness:.. To all interested parties, what form should the cargo bay take in Beta2? ... ie, doors underneath, side, detachable modules, etc?
  5. Hey yall, just a small bit of news.. I Promise she is NOT DEAD yet! Have been out of country for the last bit, I should be back home round the 20th.. 'en will get straight to work on that cargo bay update!
  6. Lol Missed it by a mile! and a lot. Was on the road, kinda slipped my mind:confused: Anyhow, -> http://www./?dcdscng6xb0el85 Please note that this is only second in-game version ive put together yet, ie, No Cargo Bay doors on it yet. It is however a huge flame spitting Frisbee, Should anyone own a Massive Robotic Dog to play with? Ill try and set a reminder or something, to upload the later version, with the doors n such..
  7. Hey Ya'll, The hecticness has not quite settled yet, Changing over to ANOTHER (Better) job, and been working on taking my house off the electrical grid, Not much time to mod.. Too much empty promises from my side, so, Ill release the ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA version as soon as I get access to my home desktop? (That the version I currently have in-game) No landing gear yet, Bottom opening cargo bay v0.1, as seen in earlier screenshots.. Atleast it should give you a better idea of the craft, albeit a very unrefined one.. STAY TUNED -DOWNLOAD LINK EXPECTED AT (±19:00 GMT+2)-
  8. Hey wad'up ya'll,. Just some Smoke-Break News: Wasnt really waiting for .22,.. Lol, I actually just saw its release when i came here to check if the thread is still allright.. Rest assured, Titan wont die easily, the model has been around for a while, lotsa hours into getting it the way I want.. Not going to throw all that away! The current delay in project development being caused by my cad programs constantly filled with electric motors, rather than Titan.. @ Neutrin... I'll check out the new landing gear, see if there is any possibility of getting that to work,,, I'll report back later today (GMT+2)
  9. Just a bit of evidence that the Titan project aint done n be all dead like ugggghhhh: Landing Gear v0.1 (Highly likely to change...) Top crown, Where Docking Ring will extend from: (Likely to hange to match the 'Iris' on the bottom cargo doors...) STAY TUNED:
  10. Correction: -something I typed? Lol, no but in all seriousnous. I apologize for the sudden radio silence, have been swamped with work. Then re-swamped with additional work. And had that swampyness multiplied by sleep... I have not posted any updates mainly due to there being like ONE.. I re-did the animation on the bottom cargo Bay door, to a two-part door.. Really only to get some animation practice, but it might stay.. Titan has essentially taken one step back to the drawing board, NO changes to the exterior, I like it that way mostly. But in the way that the cargo area and its door are gonna work.. Landing gear placeholder made.. UGLY = Re-Do... Will try to post some Images later this weekend, Thanks to all for the support and suggestions, things I never thought about lol..
  11. The doors and cargo bay shown above are but the first attampt, Until they were made, I had not a bloody clue! how to animate lol.. Luckily thats been sorted. However, after a few minutes of testing, Me no likey. Theyre to big individually and look too much like Pizza. Did a fair bit of re-design this weekend, only saw the forum replies this morning. Thats actually what ive done,.. a large hollow craft, there are then 4 different cargo 'inners' that can be placed inside. Giving it a more flexible role in KSP logistics... This includes the Side Rover config, Top / Bottom or Top + Bottom loading (As is), a Standard Fuel Tank for MonoP/Ketanhe or whatever. And a WIP Shuttle Hanger. Note they will not be changeble after the VAB. Yes, anything place as cargo will have to be balanced on the COM if you want it to be able of Horizontal Flight. With VTOL engines only, you can pack it however you want and still be able to go anywhere. The engines are set up the same (Impulse, Thrust etc.) for VTOL and Horiz. flight. For now have been planning to ask permission to incorporate the Tweakable Parameters mod for this, that way you can adjust your thrust needs in-game according to how much junk you wanna ferry around.
  12. Cargo Bay Doors & Animation Snippets [v0.1] Not quite happy with the shape of the door panels.
  13. That cargo space was taken purely from the existing interior! No flying box here.... The exterior has only minor changes to the trim on the lower half. And yes indeed, I have the cargo bay interior set up so that every single inch of it should allow a surface attach. (Hopefully...) In other news: It was late, n I was watching drunk people fall over on Youtube... When I discovered an incredible 3ds Max animation tutorial, Easy Peasy! ... Thusly, will start on the cargo bay door animation tomorrow. Lastly, Ive now only noticed the Requirement for a License in the forum rules.. Uhm... Could somebody be kind enough to shed some light on the what what n how? This thread has left me naught but Confused http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44738
  14. So after staring at my model for a while, I have decided to go more in the Sci-Fi-ey direction with Titan, Although it will be capable of SST-Eeloo and a return with landing back at the KSP, I dont plan on having it run on INFINITE fuel. As it is, it should be able to perform such a flight maby once/twice before requiring a massive refuel operation. That way it isn't so much of a "cheat" mod. There are still a lot of tweaks to be done to the engines, depending on the total weight it will eventually be able of carrying. (Weight vs Thrust output being calculated according to Eve's gravitational pull, thus ensuring Titan is capable of anything.) Small Update: Have been busy trying to allocate space inside the main body for the cargo bay, Not going to post any pics of the ship with the recent modifications yet:sticktongue:.. But heres a cutout of the size the Cargo bay has reached for now: Blocky Kerman standing on top: Approximately 1 735 931.36 Liter or 458 585 US gal of Packing space Test version should be ready soon-ish
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