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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Congrats! It just gets easier from here. Looking forward to pics.
  2. Waiting on a transfer to Mun ATM so I thought I'd post... So far no issues, even with a couple of .21 and.20 mods installed. Jeb is happy, I'm happy.
  3. They use the Steam forums possibly? That or they haven't made it around to playing KSP because of all the other Summer Sale games they bought and are currently playing.
  4. Depends are we basing this on the architecture of the current Space Center (.20 and below) or the future (.21) center complex?
  5. Thanks! Looking forward to posting loads of new stuff once .21 drops.
  6. This made me laugh way more than it probably should have... A friend showed me KSP at a LAN party we were having, I played the demo all of about 10min before I was hooked and bought what was then the newly minted 0.16.0.
  7. So, all of my posts were lost in the Great Forum Derp. As such I reposting my intro along with some screenshots from my most recent endeavors. Enjoy!
  8. This... This had me laughing a lot harder than it probably should have.
  9. I really want to see how this ends. Best of luck!
  10. Well, that worked out nicely lol. This sounds like a good idea for a challenge with some friends.
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