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stallion x1

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Everything posted by stallion x1

  1. lol my ocd mind noticed you missed a pixel on the very edge of the sun......
  2. even if we do figure out a way to go FTL we would need humongous quantitys of energy that it is just not realistically probable to create
  3. *groans* yes ships have gone missing "oh but they have never been found" well the Bermuda triangle covers between 500,000 square miles to 1.5 million square miles just think about how big those numbers are the chance of finding anything in there is a million to 1
  4. eek zekes there seems to be a gap beetween some of the structural panels at the front i think that this could cause a problem due to the craft's armour shaking and hitting itself when hit by a torp
  5. That is one very pretty rocket way nicer than my huge heavy lift rockets that look like they came from a abstract painting
  6. That is not a fighter I mean that thing looks like its a meduim sized frigate but then i have to remeber the your capitol ships make this thing look like an ant for example the London which is a Wales class and it weighs in at ~900 tons so to you this is a figter becuase to have someting smaller would look really odd if you parked it next to one of your capitol ships
  7. Yeah its kinda weird when ive been doing my tests it almost looks the missile tries to sneak up on the ship by going slowly its kinda funny but REALLY annoying
  8. wow thats reaaly amazing 750 tons is huge......
  9. I think this thread is a great idea due to things like my ship which ime developing to be able to shoot from 50km+ and then SLOWING down the projectile before it hits so the physics doesn't decide to mess with it unfortunatly with the current rules of naval combat we have (eg the navy batttle thread (which is AWESOME:)))i would have to put it within range of other ships and ruin its advantage but otherwise it could just completly decimate an entire fleet very quickly
  10. It will use little arms mounted speratons after each of the seprotons has run out (and burnt through a load of armour plate) the arm will be ejected and a new one will be left behind then it will leave one of my flak missles inside the holes it made(hopefully which goes into a gap in beteween fuel tanks or in a hanger(like the hanger in the inflexible))then after bout 5 seconds the flak missle will detonate causing the ship to explode from inside out Actually i might just upload some pictures becasue i realised i described that awfully oh *** dear just opened ksp started making some modifications ksp does some werird part placing glitch and delets the ships save
  11. Im currently working on a super light weight carrier that would carry small mechs that would be able to tear through about 8 sheets of armour and then put a missle inside it and detonate the entire ship tehehe pictures coming soon...... Also im working on a flak missle
  12. 566: if you manage to get a kerbol escape after waiting 68 years your craft gets transported to a magical dimension with Magic Lazor Beam Space Poniestm
  13. 565: how about to be able to use a part in the game we have to make the part in real life and then send it to squad so they can authorize that part on our account?
  14. i will now officially declare that anyone who could put a bridge over one of those holes is an absolute badass......
  15. That is veeery impressive there i like how its so tiny and cute.........
  16. Holy Moley thats one hell of an orbit youve got going on around Ike there now i know why the in game description of ike says it like deter travellers from visiting duna.....
  17. Yes i belive they are going to be adding asteroids in the area around Dres due to the fact that it is techinically a planet but ksp says it is a dwarf planet and one of the criteria for a planet to be a planet is that it must have cleared its neighbour hood (no asteroids floating around it) so they could be put there.
  18. I know that its hugely ineffective but it was intended more as a proof of concept and maybe an emergency ejection shield? Eg command pod ejects and opens solar panels to give itself a vague semblance of protection but it will only truely work when ksp doesnt feel the need to apply physics to every single object in a ship instead of just calculating it for the whole ship so that we can have huge ship sizes:P
  19. Omg you idots just get lost noobs!!!!........ And that is why ksp forums are good is because all of you are intelligent enough to tell when someoe is being sarcastic and it seems that rather a lot of the arguments on the minecraft forums are caused by some people misinterpreting other peoples ideas.
  20. For once those scientists at the kerbal space centre have developed something that's designed to stop things exploding! May i present to you the Solar Shield..... Using the highest quality disposable solar panels they break when hit by a projectile forcing it up and over the protected object. Warning: Attempting to use these block a high speed projectile will result in a failure but they work great on slower ones like maceys standard torps. About 20 gigantors were needed to make this work.Very expensive but it could slow down a missile just enogh for key things to survive eg engines of weapons In that last one you can just see that all 3 tanks survived.(btw i did check when you launch the torpedo without the solar panels it will destroy the centre fuel tank.)
  21. Well It will be using a lot of srbs then probably a massive asparagus stage Its also suprising light and easy to get of the ground (using mainsails) it will probably require orbital refuelling though
  22. This is the first capitol ship that Shadow Horse Corporation has designed.It is called the Auroch Carrier and it is designed to carry a large amount of drones to the target destination all armed with high grade weaponry.Its two large arms mean that it is harder to completely disable the carriers offensive capability's as you either have to get a good shot and destroy both arms with one torpedo or you have to use more ammunition to destroy them individually. It is currently in prototype testing phase and it drone systems are not yet installed. Company Bio: Shadow Horse Corporation is a company that wishes to investigate the abundance of anomalous geographical features that reside in the Kerbol system and more specifically the moons of Jool. Unfortunately due to Hanlands aggressive actions they are now producing combat ready ships. Side Note/Warning: (Out of character btw) When i say Laythes name i instantly new that i recognized it from somewhere.... Recently when I was researching Greek mythology for good ship names I saw something, More specifically I found out the names of the rivers of the underworld they was the Styx, Acheron and the LATHE.The river Lathe stood for oblivion and destruction i know its not exactly the same spelling but what a veeeeery strange coincidence:0.0:.
  23. thats a lot of craters.......
  24. I have sent a kerbel through my mass acelorator which had 200 mainsail engines in it as thrust and shot him out at ~300,000,000 metres per second......
  25. Nice craft I am just wondering why is it a stealth vtol? Or am I missing something?
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