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Everything posted by deker13

  1. You probably know this, but no pics, no clicks.
  2. Huh. I used CKAN, and it works great for me.
  3. Nope. 'Murica! The user below me has reached Bop.
  4. Oh, he just wants a taste. WAITER! I have several bombs in my soup!
  5. Granted, but the remaining chip was able to kill you from overeating. I wish for a small cookie.
  6. my favorite was c7. i was a flying nut and always will be.
  7. can someone make those sliding rails hit hard? u know, fuel tank pile drivers? i'm thinkin about those mech legs right now...
  8. next how about the lore of the kerbol system? that would be extremely interesting.
  9. You know how we are in the movies. evil, evil, experimenting, demented, evil. we probably have kerbals taken for experiments, wouldn't we.
  10. boat and carrier parts, i recommend edit tools if u want to build a carrier, not using the one included, B9, and fire spitter, if u want boat and plane ops.
  11. target Eloo is very retro feeling. lots of electrical sounds.
  12. this seems more of an stol, can it take off with just the vertical engines, or does the back engine need to be on to stabilize it?
  13. i have no idea what u just said, but it sounds science-y.
  14. until the flag maker thingy the ribbon guy is making is out, it's much more pleasing to have someone make it custom-tailored for your specs.
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