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Everything posted by TinfoilChef

  1. A question I have about these "Munoliths" is are there locations and numbers hard-coded into the game or are they randomly generated for each new persistent.sfs file? Personally, aside from the one near KSC, I'd prefer that they weren't always in the same places.
  2. I've been working on coming up with a space station that I want to put in LKO for use with Orbital Construction. The problem is that I have yet to come up with anything that doesn't look utterly stupid, never mind stable enough to actually survive the trip to orbit. What would you suggest in the way of design tips? I'm looking to do this with stock parts (for now at least).
  3. This is exactly the reason I bought Minecraft within days of discovering it. It offered unlimited creative potential and a very nearly unlimited world. Since buying it I have said many times that it was the best $20 I had ever spent on gaming. KSP is the only other game to match the potential of Minecraft. Where Minecraft's biggest feature is practically unlimited creativity, KSP's main feature is that you not only get to do fun and sometimes crazy things with rockets but that you also actually use your mind to play it. Sure, it's possible to land on both of Kerbin's moons without doing the math, however I'm finding it refreshing to see a game that actually rewards you for taking the time to learn and do the math, thus saving tons of fuel, learning to build better and more efficient rockets, Etc. Mind you I only bought this game a bit over a week ago and like Minecraft, I just cannot get enough of it. For the first time I am actually planning to save up and get a joystick.
  4. This is a great resource and I'm sure I'll get plenty of use out of it. However it's only good for situations where both ships are in a circular orbit. I have a target ship in an elliptical orbit (apoapis is 45,111,575meters periapsis 1,052,589 meters, inclination 4.93 degrees) that I have been trying to figure out how to rendezvous with so I can de-orbit it. The target ship ran out of fuel due to super-sloppy-totally wrong burn trying to return from Minmus while it's got five tanks of RCS fuel I got distracted in the VAB and never put any thrusters on it. I've even tried (with a backup persistent.sfs file) to use the "get out and push" EVA method and the only thing that happens then is that I lose all control of the EVA pack until it runs out of fuel with the hapless kerbal drifting off like Frank Poole. Any suggestions how to get it done? Without just using "End Flight".
  5. I've tried that, a few times actually, after seeing one of Scott Manley's videos where he showed exactly that kind of maneuver. Each time I somehow lost control of the eva pack and it just started thrusting out of control leaving the astronaut spinning wildly with no pack fuel in a fate very reminiscent of the fate of Frank Poole
  6. I've got a similar question but in my case the target ship is in a very elliptical orbit where the apoapsis is near the orbit of Minmus and the periapsis is about 1050km above Kerbin. The target ship is out of fuel and has no RCS (wouldn't help anyway, it's a gigantic whale of a ship). My goal is to rendezvous with it and de-orbit it. Any recommendations how to accomplish this? (other than ending the flight)
  7. I have to say that this tool looks great but I'd absolutely love to see some youtube videos that demonstrate (with explanations) how to actually use it.
  8. I'd have said this in a youtube comment but you've got comments and ratings disabled. That has got to be the wildest, craziest, most amazing set of landings I've ever seen! And in response to somebody saying "You call that a landing?" all I can say is "any landing you can walk (or fly!) away from is a a good one."
  9. Given they're both at the same altitude and assuming they're on the same inclination the thing to do would be lower one side of the orbit for the TKS by a kilometer or two. it will then close on the station slowly, gaining a bit each orbit. then when they're close enough, close the distance. Probably a quick burst of main engines followed by thrusters.
  10. Thanks a ton for that!! I just looked at that thread and it displays some of the information I've been wanting to know.. like thrust to weight ratios and how much delta-v a ship or stages of a ship have. It's going to be a huge help in designing ships that actually work. Especially since I installed the fuel bug hotfix the other day. suddenly even just getting into orbit isn't nearly so easy
  11. I'm new here so please excuse me if this is in the wrong place. Is there a mod or mods that allow a "pilot's eye view" with an actual H.U.D. similar to the kind of thing used in Orbiter? I've also been looking for informational mods that would act like MultiFunction Displays that can present information and be used in navigation. Again referring to Orbiter, things like Orbit mfd, Align plane mfd, transfer mfd, & so on. I know that MechJeb can provide most of the information that orbit mfd does (though just for the ship and not for a target object) but what about nav aids that are not intended to simply do the flying for me? Another question is just how does one navigate without resorting to the map view other than just looking for something to appear on the horizon and then burning for it? I've seen talk of calculating courses, angles, burn times and such but the discussions always pretty much assume that the reader already knows what they're talking about. I'm familiar with some of this but in the Kerbol system I have yet to find any kind of frame of reference to start calculations from. Finally, what about time? So far the only thing I see about that is Mission Elapsed Time, which of course is different for every flight. Is there a date / time system for Kerbin? It seems to me it's especially necessary for figuring out flight plans for the interplanetary flights that I understand will be possible in 0.17
  12. On a related note, how many kerbal names can be in the persistence file? Is there a maximum? also, I've learned how to change the names of existing kerbals but is there a way to feed KSP a list of names to have it auto generate kerbals for?
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