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Everything posted by DrDimic

  1. I apologize if this was said earlier, bombs can't be attached to bomb mounts. Is there any quick way to fix it? To be more precise, nodes not working.
  2. I have a glitch - Internal light switcher turn light on, but don't turn it off.
  3. InfiniteDice, I apologize if this question has already been, but how to make parameter "control this" variable in the hangar or added to Action Groups?
  4. I'm sorry, English isn't my mother tongue, so it's may be hard to understand that i am speaking about. And thanks for help, i think that guardMode parameter must be "true" to make turret attack vessels, but now i all figured out. And yet, thanks for a great mod!
  5. It didn't help, guardMode still off. This button change real Autotrack parameter, but didn't turn on shooting at enemy vessel.
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