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Everything posted by zgrillo2004

  1. so really I would need to edit the parts config to get them working together? Thats gonna give me and others headaches @_@
  2. I know this might seem like a noobish question but is it possible on getting multiple tress into one tree. I ask this because I have multiple mods and they use one career tree at a time and it seems kind of stupid. I was thinking of a ultimate tech tree that uses Kethane, KW, Interstellar mod, etc. Any ideas if this is possible
  3. I have been sifting this topic and I was wondering if this addon works with .22?
  4. zgrillo2004


    TBH that is a good rule. thought I hate to admit that I dont want to be bothered by MLP for a long while since Ive seen a lot of cringe videos of bronies
  5. you avatar scares me. its been beheaded XD

  6. Majiir I can understand on the protection but they are small things like I was doing is being droven off by your license. you are driving away rookie modders
  7. Bummer. TBH its really strict to not use the models. thats what you get with the draconian DMCA laws. its because the model that come with EP are horrendous and too big. Im ceasing production of the addon. if you guys were anticipating this. Blame the creator of Kethane and Majiir. not me
  8. Ok. Ill tell you. I will be using your light sensor and the heavy sensor for detecting Ores instead of Kethane. Plus the texture will be modified to gray as opposed to green for people to easily find the right scanner for the job. Do you think that Im violating the license?
  9. I have a question regarding the license of the kethane addon. I am making a sub-addon that utilizes the sensors for use of scanning for Ores in the Extraplanetary Launchers. now what confuses me is this line "Distribute configuration files containing KethaneResource config nodes for resources other than Kethane." but I cant "Distribute modified versions of Kethane, in part or whole, including the packaged models, textures, plugins, part configurations and any other component, with exception of plugin source code." I dont understand what this means. Does it mean that I cant use the models as the ore scanners and distribute them? your license is very confusing to some.
  10. Is there a possibility of making a new model for a ore scanner for small probes and spacecraft?
  11. Sorry for the late reply. I will try that in a vanilla installationEdit: it seems to be working. I dont know why. the spacecraft that was having the problems has Remotetech and the orbital construction mod on there. I will try to find out more on why its spazzing out.
  12. I have the same issue. from some of the posts that I read, it seems that NovaPunch is affecting the docking autopilot system. dont know why though. does anyone have a fix for this?
  13. Same Problem here. I would advise switching the pages to Vertical Mode. its by holding CTRL and then left click on the PartCatalog button
  14. I have released a probe part set that doesnt use the modular manager. its still up but I have sent a PM to one of the mods for permission because I am redistributing stock parts which JDP isnt sure if its safe to distribute them or not
  15. I just checked the B5 version. its still goodDid you read this part on this description If that doesnt work, can you please give me the full specs of your PC, you can use "speccy" which is a free software to diagnose your PC
  16. Odd. mine works fine. what version of B9 and Remotetech do you have?
  17. The Remotetech Probe parts pack is released. have fun gents. and reply if there is an issue http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/remotetech-seperate-probe-parts-3/
  18. I have heard of the ModularManager bug with the B5 pack and I have made an optional separate probe parts for Remotetech and it should be avaliable soon. If you guys have any issues with permissions, please let me know and ill set it as private until I get it authorized
  19. I dont understand how this work. am I suppose to modify something in order to make the probe parts to Remote-tech?
  20. I second daver4470's request. couldn't you make a dish for probes?
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