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Posts posted by BigFatStupidHead

  1. My first question to you is: Would this be a good way to release the new pack, or should I break the specialized fuel tanks off into their own download?

    Secondly, due to the availability of mods with allow adjusting amounts of fuel in tanks and/or draining tanks, I have not included empty versions in this pack (Other than Kethane tanks, which are all empty). Is there a great call for emptys to be included? If so, just the largest tanks, or all of them?

    It sounds like the way you have tanks packed off in their own directories will make it very easy to only use what you want. What you've proposed seems quite sound.

    I have no interest in the empty tanks, of any size. As it stands, I have to go throught the CFG's and delete the empties, so if the file was set up in such a way that I don't need to do that, I would be quite content.

    By the way, I love these.

  2. - Water impact reworked. Parts explode when they hit the water at a speed exceeding their normal impact tolerance times a multiplier (currently 20). This is only checked on splashdown. Parts will not explode from going too fast while submerged. Overall, much less likely to explode when hitting or being in the water.

    I like this. It should allow skillful designers to use splashdown as a decoupler of sorts.
  3. Submarine mod! Consider it in Beta stage. The part can be found under the "Aero" category, because it's the closest to hydrodynamic. :cool:

    Still has bugs.

    So, the movetowater part doesn't work for me, and so I had to build a rolling platform to get it to the water. I found that Caterpillar tracks and Rollcage wheels refused to function, and even stock landing gear didn't work. I was also unable to adjust the ballast control without it resetting itself to zero. I didn't get it to the water yet.

    A reinstall tomorrow will see if any of these bugs persist.

  4. Why don't you do both textures, the one you like as well as a stockalike? If you're interested in getting the practice, and people are interested in stockalike, it seems like everyone will end up a winner.

    Love the engines, by the way. Looking forward to the Fatman re-release.

  5. BigFatStupidHead: I consider that fix mandatory, not just "relevant". I can run a clean install vanilla KSP without the fix but that is about all. To use any mods I need the fix. Kubuntu 12.04 64bit.
    I thought that it was an error in the last version that had gotten fixed. And I was not experiencing the same problems with the current version that I was before (ie: the game would crash while loading parts without the fix) so I, apparently erroniously, thought it had been dealt with. With .21.1, I had no trouble loading but was starting to experience unusual crashes and icon corruption in game. (Actually, the icon corruption is what tipped me off.) So I thought I'd mention that the fix is still very useful.
  6. I just want to report: I was starting to have strange crashes and icon corruption, and this fix still seems relevant. However, I seem to have lost some KAS functionality, so it should not be assumed to be fully compatible with all mods.

    Edit: actually, my problem with KAS is random, but well known. So never mind about that last bit.

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