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Everything posted by 123kde

  1. are there any easter eggs on minmus, or is it just a barren ball of frozen jet pee?
  2. FOUND IT! granted, the shuttle broke, but i found it! damn, i really need to remove that decoupler from the design...
  3. hahaha, omg thx. thats perfect. ill try looking there. thx again!
  4. isn't that where the mun arch is? I've got that already... but thx. or is it close by?
  5. I know it might seem noobish that im asking this, but could someone who found the munolith (or one of them if theres multiple) post a screenshot of the moon, zoomed out with... i donno, a red 'X' right over where the munolith is? ive been searching for it for a long time, but ive been doing it in vanilla, so i dont want to find it using some sort of satellite mod. well, now im rambling, but yea, if someone could post a picture of that id be most appreciative. thanks.
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