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Everything posted by adjit

  1. That is an interesting way to go about it. Made another craft, with stock engines and everything, just modded wings and wheels and shattered my old speed. This time I got 1615.3m/s
  2. Going to say no to canned air. Although, you would definitely need a lot to fuel the engines for a good amount of time.
  3. Haven't seen any challenges for this so here is mine. Go as fast as you possibly can in some sort of airplane. RULES : 1 - Engines must require and be using intake air at the time of top speed. (R.A.I.P.E.R engines are allowed so long as they are in air breathing mode -- There must be proof) 2 - Must be an airplane of some sort. Aka needs to have wings 3 - Horizontal Takeoff and Landing are required. 4 - All MODS are fair game -- There will be 2 leaderboards for modded and stock craft. MODDED CRAFT Leaderboards : 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- STOCK CRAFT Leaderboards : 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- Here is my attempt -- Will not count as a submission because the whole thing wasn't documented. Just my inspiration for the challenge. 1381.2 m/s You'll also notice I am using R.A.I.P.E.R engines, but as you can see I am out of Oxidizer and had been for some time. Initially attempted to get into orbit but that failed, so I tried seeing how fast I could go. If I am missing anything or you guys have suggestions feel free to make em
  4. If I were you, I would either use the persistence file and give them the same orbit, but Greywind is right. Any slight movement of the craft, even if you tap RCS the orbit will ultimately be doomed to get misaligned. Now, if you were okay with consistently editing your persistence file then by all means. However, if you didn't want to "cheat" I would get the crafts together as if I were docking, and slow the relative speed to 0 m/s, then little by little I would back away from it(retrograde) and then cancel out the relative speed(prograde) until I was 10km away from the craft.
  5. So I want to make a mobile kethane rover with KAS and all the goodies that go along with it, but it ends up turning out to be really wide and I feel like I would have lots of issues launching it to a far away planet. So I was wondering if it is possible to have struts and other things fold up into a neat launch-able craft
  6. I see. What I spent most of today trying to do is manually put together the ship via the .craft source file, but it wasn't really working too well. Then I decided to just go with the Crew Manifest mod, which they have made 1000x easier to use, so it really doesn't make a difference what I use as the root of my craft.
  7. I know this. I am saying, when I am in the source code of each .craft file, what discerns the root from the rest of the ship? Where in the source code of the game would I be able to find that.
  8. Well you kind of need to fix the RAT. I am having some fairly annoying issues with it. I can only attach the DROP system to the RAT if the RAT pod is the root of my entire aircraft, which is not what I want. I am building a ship in VAB and I have to assemble the RAT like an idiot if it isn't the first part of the ship. And then, once I get it assembled I can't attach it to the DROP pod, even if I do manage to get the nodes lined up the RAT just stays red and won't connect to the pod. If any of you know of a better way to do this it would be greatly appreciated.
  9. The problem with that is there are things attached to the Command pod that aren't attached to the rest of the ship, so regardless I will still have an issue. I guess my real question is how does the game determine which part of the ship is the root?
  10. So I recently put a VAB ship together, and I have 2 command modules on it and I would like to switch the 'main' command module from one to the other. I tried changing around the order in which items appear in the file, I also tried changing the part numbers... Nothing really seems to work. It may help if you guys knew what I was trying to do: So I have the Bobcat RAT mod and I was putting it together, but the only way to do it was to start off using the RAT module, otherwise I wouldn't be able to assemble it properly. So I made a new craft and built it the way I wanted to, and I plan on using Payloader to attach it to another ship of mine using the RAT as the so-called launcher vehicle. So what I did was I attached a new command pod and decoupler to the top of the RAT 'launch ship' and tried using payloader but it wasn't successful, the reason being that the new command pod was not considered the 'main' command pod. And while I was looking at the .craft file I could so no real thing to discern between the main command pod and the other command pod.
  11. Not on Spaceport, duh. I have the home pack as well.. not there
  12. My idea was to use the Mun as the first slingshot. Shoot for the moon, wrap around it and its new trajectory should take me outside of Kerbins sphere of influence.
  13. How do you generally calculate your gravity slings? It is possible, every planet will eventually come into paths of one another to achieve this. Its just a matter of calculating when. Is it feasible, probably not, but maybe with a few extra pushes along the way it could be. My large puller will have to obviously have a good amount of powerful rockets, as well as fuel. I could also assemble the puller in space instead of having to launch a gigantic rig.
  14. So recently I had an idea to use each of the planets as a slingshot to get from one to the other without requiring any additional fuel from the initial escape burn. The point being I would create a massive puller, launch it into Kerbin orbit, attach multiple setups for HOME bases, set up an escape burn aimed at accomplishing a few gravity assist pulls and then as I am being slingshot around planets to drop off the bases. Not sure if it is possible, as I have been trying to figure this out myself. It may require many years in Kerbal time before the planets align in such a fashion, but not to worry the set up may take quite some time. Any thoughts on it?
  15. So I was wondering how I could possibly calculate a way to use the planets gravitational forces to 'slingshot' a spacecraft from planet to planet. Theory behind the idea: I want to build a massive interstellar puller, attached several HOME stations to it, point it and with one burn get that puller on target to several planets. While passing by each planet and getting a new course I would detach the HOME base that I have set up and land it on each of the planets. The main benefit of this would be to use only one burn, when leaving Kerbins gravitational influence and then just being able to coast to the planets dropping off things when the time comes. If anyone would like to join in on the idea and help me out that would be great, because I feel like this could be a really cool and challenging mission to get perfectly right. Of course, it would need a lot of set up, and a lot of docking while in orbit around kerbin. The difficulty with that is now with all of this added weight it may be a little difficult to pull everything out of Kerbin orbit. Let me know your ideas, thoughts and what not. Curious too see what you guys think.
  16. So if i say up my thrust vectoring to 100 for those 3 main engines you think that will work?
  17. This is the shuttle that I have built. For the most part it functions really well with some good throttle control. My boosters get my up to around 45,000 meters, but thats where things start to fall apart. As soon as the boosters cut off I try and do a MECO as well to stop the ship from flipping forward continuously until eventually it just rips itself apart. But that doesn't always work. I want to try and limit the use of RCS when balancing it out, just some good throttle control on my part. But any touch of power when the boosters are gone and the ship starts to flip end over end. Some help would be appreciated. I am using the B9 aerospace mod.
  18. So I have been putting all of my info into the game data folder, but I am curious as to whether or not the source files of certain addons should go in the same addon folder or a different one
  19. whoops.... hahaha I have been going through all of the parts like an idiot trying to discern whether to put the part in aero, engine, structure ect...
  20. So I know that with the old updates there used to be a folder called 'plugins' but now I cant seem to find a plugin folder. So instead of me placing plugins in random spaces and having them not work I wanted to get the proper destination folder. As of now my best guess is ksp_data>managed because that is where the majority of .dll files are. So if anyone can just tell me what the right path is I would be much obliged
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