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  1. They fired everyone. They had to because the development was led by someone who is wholly incompetent, with a history of fleecing customers, which you can only do for so long before people stop giving you money. Once you run out of money, you can't pay people to sit their wide-load on a chair in a west coast office and inject social justice into a video game about rockets. So, yes, it is dead. Nobody works there ...and if the trashy code base and remerging bugs are any testament, they barely did any work from the get go. Honestly, the $50 early access price was a master caution light from the beginning. It was simply a way to fleece customers.
  2. Thanks for stealing our money, again, Nate.
  3. Now that Take Two has decided to take a wood chipper to one of the most beloved games in history, what's the future look like? Will they release the I.P so a more competent development team can build a successor? Will this forum go away? Do they own the rights to KSP1? I've read that this is part of a pattern. Over-promise, under-deliver, and then cut & run with the money. What an embarrassing disaster. I feel bad for what this incompetent studio did to Mr. Falanghe's dream, and I think we all deserve some answers.
  4. Had to try it. Played for a half hour. Refunded. I'll try it again when MP is out and they've made more progress. Sorry to say, but right now it's a turd at an insulting price.
  5. I was really hoping they'd give us something to play with as a team at early access. It is the only thing that really interests me at this point, having played KSP1 to the hilt for years. Can't really justify paying $50 for a game that has less features than KSP1, the latter of which cost $9 for early access iirc. Still, it is exciting to finally get an MP, which only interests me from a sandbox perspective. I've been developing for a while, and I know the hurdles, however a lot can be and should have been done in 2 years. If MP is reportedly very fun, then I have to assume there is a working prototype that they should let us play with on a staging branch. I'd pay $50 bucks for that, bugs and all. Nevertheless, thanks for the reply.
  6. Yea that account got wiped out for some reason. I still have the source. I'll see about bringing it up to date and live again. To tell you the truth, I'd like to work on something else and possibly roll this into that mod - something like a flight computer / early warning radar. I would need some help with it from someone who knows a bit more about finding game objects and vessels.
  7. Getting an error that might be related to the updated to the control room " Field '.Flight.Globals.ship_srfSpeed' not found. " I'll see if it's related.
  8. Like you, I enjoy building monuments of aerospace engineering, and watching them disintegrate in-flight. Except, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to force a single failure, that may or may not be recoverable. In the interest of fault tolerance, I think its fun to wreck your aircraft, and try to recover/land the crippled bird. There are a few explosive parts mods out there, but nothing I found allowed me to have a simple controlled demolition of a specific part. So with some help, I wrote a basic explosive part. Just place the repurposed gravimax part (under science) on the part you want to fail, and either right click and hit Explode, or use the ActionGroups. The explosion will destroy the part, and the part that it is attached to. Now you can cause a catastrophic in-flight failure at the push of a button. Another use might be to use the explosive to separate your capsule or cockpit from the fuselage so your kerbals can escape disasters. Gravimax part used without permission until I model my own C4 charge. Unless someone wants to be kind and model one for me. Much thanks to Stupid_Chris and folks over in #kspmodders IRC for their insights. > Download Now < INSTALL Copy the /InitFail/ folder into the KSP/GameData/ folder. MIT License Source in the download zip. Its a little sloppy, and I'll get to cleaning it up at some point. Future Updates/Plans I'm not entirely sure, so I'll appreciate your feedback. Thinking about adding timed, grouped, or random triggers. Maybe add smoke and fire (sounds?) for dramatic effect. Perhaps a controller for RPM if I can find a tutorial on making functional pages. -- I'll try to get a video up this weekend. Have fun blowing #@%$ up!
  9. Incredible work! I've always wanted a control room interface for vessels. This looks like it can deliver the mission control experience. -- Had a problem with it, but seems to be working after removing & replacing JSI. Looking forward to trying this out.
  10. I like the idea of forcing direct or random failures on my designs to see how they hold up. Such failure initiation could be as simple as adding a 'destroy' context menu to each part. Not sure if there is anything out there that does this. And of course, for large vessels, causing a critical failure would result in rapid and catastrophic disassembly; I would expect nothing less than a glorious display of fragments. To this end, it would be fun to render fire and smoke from fuel-bearing and other volatile componants.
  11. I was actually just wondering the same thing.
  12. This is pretty damn cool. Can you make near objects 'glow' or provide some point light source; to simulate what we can see as a satellite passes overhead in sunlight?
  13. ^ Ok, I'll have a look. Make sure you only have one of these in scene at any given time. I haven't figured out how to have the module exist solely on the active craft. I'm also having a bit of a crisis with regards to IVA and this mod in general. There are a few mods out there that do this better, so I'm wondering if there's a reason to continue this, and not work on another.
  14. I've added a license and restored the download link. I'll start working on it again soon. A bit of a learning process, and well, work has been busy. If you have more ideas, lay them on me and we'll see what we can do.
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