Hello fellow Kerbins! Today's mission is to land on the surface of the Mun. Design ur launch vehicle so that u have enough fuel for Kerbin orbit, Trans-Munar insertion and powered descent. Ur payload must include: a sturdy lander with a descent engine (with enough fuel of course), a rover component for trekking on the munar surface, and the most important part of all: AN ASCENT STAGE, so can head home! Don't 4get ur parachutes!!! U may use MechJeb 4 this mission. After liftoff, fly on a heading of 270* or 90*. Once u reach orbit, time ur escape burn carefully! Hint: if u see the Mun rise (heading 90*) or set behind Kerbin (heading 270*), those r ur escape burn windows! To avoid overshooting the Mun, set ur apoapsis to 11,800,000-12,000,000 meters. Make sure u r able to enter munar orbit because u need to land on those big, flat lava plains. That will be ur landing site. Use ur orbital map as referance. If u land on the lava plains, ur mission will be deemed a success. Deploy ur rover and have fun driving; safe ground speed is no more than 3 or 4 m/s. Head home when ur ready, I recommend flying retrograde (270*) so u can escape the Mun quickly. Aim 4 Kerbin, reenter and land. Flight time can't exceed 3 days. screenshot or video upload required. Good luck! Neil Armstrong would be proud of us, God rest his soul.