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Everything posted by deltaflyer_19

  1. Hello fellow Kerbins! Today's mission is to land on the surface of the Mun. Design ur launch vehicle so that u have enough fuel for Kerbin orbit, Trans-Munar insertion and powered descent. Ur payload must include: a sturdy lander with a descent engine (with enough fuel of course), a rover component for trekking on the munar surface, and the most important part of all: AN ASCENT STAGE, so can head home! Don't 4get ur parachutes!!! U may use MechJeb 4 this mission. After liftoff, fly on a heading of 270* or 90*. Once u reach orbit, time ur escape burn carefully! Hint: if u see the Mun rise (heading 90*) or set behind Kerbin (heading 270*), those r ur escape burn windows! To avoid overshooting the Mun, set ur apoapsis to 11,800,000-12,000,000 meters. Make sure u r able to enter munar orbit because u need to land on those big, flat lava plains. That will be ur landing site. Use ur orbital map as referance. If u land on the lava plains, ur mission will be deemed a success. Deploy ur rover and have fun driving; safe ground speed is no more than 3 or 4 m/s. Head home when ur ready, I recommend flying retrograde (270*) so u can escape the Mun quickly. Aim 4 Kerbin, reenter and land. Flight time can't exceed 3 days. screenshot or video upload required. Good luck! Neil Armstrong would be proud of us, God rest his soul.
  2. If anyone has a shuttle design they can show me, im all eyes n ears for it. Can someone tell how 2 post my own pic of a vessel in KSP? I'd greatly appreciate it.
  3. Thx 4 ur honesty and the pic of ur launch booster. Don't feel bad about the mishap or misleading info. It's still legitimate enough 4 a 90% mission success; if u want 2, upload me a video of ur flight. If not, no sweat! At least u tried.
  4. Nice shuttle design Gamah, kinda looks like a starfighter. Im very impressed with ur orbital altitude and how close u came to a great landing. Great choice on the avionics nose cone. Good job on those wingtip boosters. Great launch azimuth, 90* or 270* are great headings to fly. Here's a quick success tip: give ur shuttle greater wing area without compromising weight, u may glide much long and at lower speeds, u might not stall as much. Nice touch with that jet engine for powered descent; very fuel smart. Well done Kerbinaut! Tell ya friends to try this mission and maybe I can tally ur scores. Impressive job!!
  5. Well... if u own the C7A Aviation Pack (which most us should of own) i know that issue. The center of lift is dictated by the placement of ur wings. Use the delta wings for ideal lateral stability. Remember, add movable canards for delta wings placed aft of center of gravity; this will ensure stability. Add one or 2 tailfins with rudder attachment to dampen excessive longitudinal oscillations. Reduce the use of thrust-vectored engines, those usually cause overcontrolling conditions that can upset ur spaceplanes aerodynamic balance. Finally, use an avionics nose cone realistic flight control (if u don't have that, use ur SAS mods or MechJeb). I hope this helped u. Chin up fellow kerbinaut! Don't let physics thwart ur flights. Post me back if ur successful, good luck.
  6. Greetings, Fellow Kerbinauts! Here's a challenge that should tickle ur fancy. Create a very close replica of our late space shuttles (god rest their metal-like souls). I highly recommend the C7A Aviation Package for this challenge to work. U may use any method for a boost-assisted launch (yes, u must use a booster of some sort, not just ur shuttle). Launch azimuth can be any direction u wish. Ur orbital altitude however must be a 155km by 165km orbit (155000 meter by 165000 meter orbit) for ideal "Kerbin photography". Flight time shouldn't exceed an hour and a half. Perform a de-orbit burn to return to KSC. If u still have fuel left, you can perform a powered descent; MAKE SURE U LAND ON THE RUNWAY!!! Also, u CAN NOT use MechJeb for this mission, prove to the KSP community that u r a true commander who uses their own skill instead of an autopilot. U can still use an Advanced SAS module if u wish. Do u have what it takes? Godspeed, Kerbins! screenshots or video upload requested, thx and accomplish my mission!
  7. how do i do a screenshot in KSP? i have a space shuttle i think u kerbinauts might like. thx!!!!
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