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Hooligan Labs

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Posts posted by Hooligan Labs

  1. I'm going to guess that the Part Tools do not work for 0.20. My textures are all off now. I get an error when I attempt to load the Part Tools saying that there are not enough renderers. Any suggestions?

    Update: The issue was that I still had a reference to a texture in my .cfg file. Removing that caused the .mu files and their textures to load correctly.

  2. Oh, and by the way. I'm sure you noticed already that 0.20 breaks most of the airship models and the textures on the deployable ones, but I wanted to ask something:

    The config files for the parts include commented out solar panel functionality. Which would save me from having to spam solar panels all across their uneven surface if it worked. :) Was it commented out because you couldn't get it to function correctly, or for some other reason?

    Could not get the solar panel stuff to work, sorry.

    Working on fixing all the parts now. First, though, getting the new Cirrus supersized part to work. I have it loading into the game now, need to get the plugin and textures working.

  3. The new way to make Part-less plugins is to use the KSPAddon attribute, like this:


    This class will be loaded every time the scene is changed to the Editor, and Awake will be called. And it will be unloaded when the scene is changed to something else, but until then Update() will be called.

    Interesting! I do want to see more game-changing addons that aren't just parts.

  4. I'm guessing it's a fold-out solar array inside the envelope. You'd get enough light through the envelope material to generate power, especially if it was designed to pass as much light as possible. And you wouldn't have to worry about airflow from flight or wind damaging the array. Very interesting.

    When it comes to exploring Mars, the developers of Curiosity discussed at length how difficult it can be to find a good landing place on Mars. Not an issue if your vessel never lands. :cool:

    Also don't have to worry so much about those planet-side sand storms if you are above the clouds.

  5. Depending on your design, yes, you may not see any savings. You could leave the "balloon dead weight" behind if you are going deep in space and don't want to be SSTO.

    Also, theoretically possible is a design like this...



    This uses very efficient ion engines, which only work in near-vacuum, to enter orbit. However, all attempts I have made to keep my designs stable at higher velocities have failed. I imagine that any attempt to do this in real life would have the same issue.

    However, as RoboRay and others have oft demonstrated, there are many benefits to taking an airship to other planets... We could even explore our Mars with one much faster than a ground-based rover.



  6. A no-intake-spam somewhat realistic SSTO, Courtesy of, well, many mods, but mostly this one:

    Totally cool! Love to see something realistic (since this can actually work from 0 speed, unlike real SCRAM jets).

    And here are the Results. 2,663 m/s!!!

    I have the Dictionary of Numbers installed, interestingly this is also the speed of the our world's fastest rocket sled!

    Fixing the collider does sound like a good idea.

    Now, if we only coud get those as separate rear mounted intake and engine...

    Maybe not realistic for this design?

  7. I am trying to make an airship that takes off and gets a stable above-atmosphere Kerbin orbit without dropping any pieces off and some fuel left over for docking.

    Have you tried going straight up instead of doing an in atmosphere circle? Also noted that the inflatable parachute has high drag. Best to not fire your rockets until your net force is about 0. You can also post pics.

  8. So its a Eve ballon?

    Eve has the most dense atmosphere outside of Jool. Check the front page, it's great for airships.

    is that Anno 20##'s case or a concept art?

    Ha, are you referring to the Anno video game? That is probably based on this very real proposal made for a luxury flying hotel, as pictured.

    Oh, and speaking of buoyancy... I've been trying to work out an airship lander design that would be capable of escaping Eve. If my guess is correct, that means that it should also be SSTO on Kerbin without using jets...
    I got nothing Mihara.

    I can barely get a spaceplane to fly at all, let alone an airship.

    I believe you are trying to make an airship that takes off and circles Kerbin using just airship and rocket parts? I think it's easier than a spaceplane! Here's an example of a near-SSTO:

    And here is an SSTO (though it was really hard to control)

    This one was easy to control, but a bit laggy...


    But yes, it's possible that only an airship would be capable of escaping Eve's crazy atmosphere in a single stage.

  9. Ok, the basics:

    [*]View the server list

    [*]Join a server

    [*]Create a vessel and/or control your previous vessels

    There are two places I can think of that would be best for entering multiplayer, given KSP's current architecture. One would be when you start new game / resume. New game could be expanded to include servers, with resume rejoining you to a favorite server.

    It also would be possible to select server after starting, while chosing between SPH, VAB, etc.

    I am certain that everyone will want the ability to chat while building vehicles. Being able to view another person's build in progress would be AWESOME. :cool:

    [*]Fly around, get into orbit, whatever

    [*]Chat with other players on server


    After quitting, your vessels disappear unless made public (similar to debris)? Landed vessels should be easy to display, since they are "static".

    Obviously there needs to be some sort of authentication. Username + password, registration to master server, authentication through master server, you receive a session id which is sent to the server you're going to play on, and the server is going to query master server if you are allowed to connect or not. The password needs to be different from the one on KSP forums and store for obvious reasons, even thought the password is never stored as plain text.

    I would recommend direct connection by TCP, at least to start, people can put up their connect info on the forum. :)

    Vessels that are not public can't be destroyed by crashing into them, it will only destroy the vessel which is colliding with it.

    I would recommend disabling all collisions and raycasts with non-public. You don't want people using jet exhaust to push other ships around or destroying them.

    Otherwise looks great! Don't try to cram too much stuff into the first release. :D

    The only way to keep one universal time is for a single warp for everyone, all players would need to click a button that says 'yes I agree to warp' and then they would need to be in a game state that allows warping, and allows warping at the desired rate.

    Maybe this could be an admin/server setting. It would suck if one guy was late joining in and the rest took off without him and he couldn't catch up. Like how in Minecraft an admin can switch a person to Creative Mode.

    I wanted also to include that guy who mentioned that someone had basic multiplayer code up on Github, that also sounds interesting!

  10. p.s nice cat btw


    Thanks, good luck with your repairs! I looked up the cost for AR blades and they're only $12, so I will probably just get spares at this point. I was going for a low-budget quad where I could focus on guidance, navigation and control (GNC).

    I am going to poke around with blogspot and see if I can get it set for easy conversations like this. If not I'll start a thread in the off-topic here and link it. :)

    Oh, it's not a "request for immediate action" or anything. :) But if you do ever find yourself in the "I want to make a new envelope, but which kind?" situation... ;)

    Well, something that was holding me back is figuring out how to make lift come from the center of a really big expanding balloon. But look at this...


    Problem might be solved. If I'm waiting for new blades to come in I will see what I can do.

    Probably will look like a whale fin in the largest version.

  11. You might be surprised at the amount of time it takes for me to roll out an update. Maybe I lack skillz, but it can take days to draft a design, model it, animate it, texture it, and code it. I will have even less time as I just started a quadcopter blog (controlledspin.blogspot.com).

    I could look into getting a modeler, designer or developer onto the team to share in the heavy lifting. It's not due to any fault of the community, you guys are awesome and keep my going, but updates may be sloooooow. :)

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