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Everything posted by itchyDoggy

  1. Wow this mod is exactly what I have been looking for the past couple of years. I can't wait to use this in my next hardcore save file. Thank you so much for creating this
  2. I dusted off my old forum account because I just wanted to say that it this is my favorite tech tree mod out there, and I am so happy to see that you have been working on updating it. It has been weird getting into KSP again without ETT. Good luck with the move :)
  3. I really like this, makes it a lot easier designing rockets in RSS. Is it available on CKAN?
  4. Hi there. I just tested this mod yesterday with a friend and it is amazing! I did find the 40km safety bubble a bit dissapointing, since we could not fly together at ksc... Maybe you could add that in the config of the server? What I think is a good idea is that it starts synchronizing when your MET is 10 seconds or so, so that it syncs 10 seconds after taking off.
  5. Maybe if you try this: wait until stage:solidfuel < 1.
  6. Thanks alot StainX, that does work Still weird you can't use an if in an if. EDIT: I now use this code, and it balances excellently on 100 m/s. set tLevel to 1. lock steering to UP + R(0,0,-180). lock throttle to tLevel. stage. wait until verticalspeed > 100. set lastV to verticalspeed - 1. until altitude > 9999 { if lastV < verticalspeed { set tLevel to tLevel - 0.02. }. if verticalspeed < 100 { set tLevel to tLevel + 0.03. }. set lastV to verticalspeed. }.
  7. Hey there... I've got a problem with my program. kOS keeps saying that I have an error in my code, while I have not. Here is my program: clearscreen. print "Launching in 3...". wait 1. clearscreen. print "Launching in 2...". wait 1. clearscreen. print "Launching in 1...". wait 1. clearscreen. print "Launching!". set tLevel to 1. lock steering to UP + R(0,0,-180). lock throttle to tLevel. stage. wait until verticalspeed > 100. set lastV to verticalspeed - 1. until altitude > 9999 { if verticalspeed > 100 { if lastV < verticalspeed { set tLevel to tLevel - 0.02. }. }. set lastV to verticalspeed. }. set tLevel to 1. lock steering to UP + R(0,-60,-180). wait until apoapsis > 75000. And this is the error I get:
  8. Hmm... I can't seem to get this working with any of the linked parts. I don't see the new parts in the part browser...
  9. What about Kethane, where do you put the PluginData? in plugins/PluginData/MMI_Kethane/ ?
  10. Hallo hmm.. berichten moeten meer dan 10 karakters lang zijn...
  11. Anthony is weg bij squad D: Ik vond hem wel een van de beste mensen bij het team
  12. Hello fellow Kerbonauts, I just launched my KSS (Kerbal Space Station) base with Jeb as a pilot to the most circular orbit i could acchieve. It has an apoapsis of 100,429 metres and a periapsis of 100,175 metres. I've been trying to get there with another rocket, but the closest i got was about 5 Km. Any tips for how to get there?
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