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Everything posted by Exclipse

  1. It should not take much, mind giving the specs on your computer? I wonder if anyone else has had any similar issues. Have you tried re downloading/ unzipping?
  2. You don't see any menu? It should look like this.
  3. Ah! Yes removing parts coming soon, for now you can click a new command pod and it will remove the whole rocket. The difficult placement is due to some slightly oversized part colliders, I just need to go and fine tune some of the parts. Originally there was no anti clip protection for placement, so the colliders were not an issue. Will be fixed soon!
  4. If you try the prototype let me know what you think!
  5. Download link is posted... there was a small mishap where the entire graphics folder got deleted and had to be pulled from my backup... Weapons and fighting spacecraft is a touchy subject. Currently I would say it is out of scope, however I know that a game like this can evolve naturally in that direction. Players will have basic "weapon like" tools anyways with things like the asteroid grappling harpoon launcher. The current part sizes I consider to be mid-sized, so there will be smaller, and there will be larger. Not a lot larger though, complications arise in a game like this where the planets are on mini scale to the the players rockets and avatars. I am considering increasing planet size by 10 to even possibly 100 times the current size, however it depends on some technical issues I am working on right now. Hope you can enjoy the prototype! Just remember that it is a very early prototype
  6. Hey thanks for the reminder! I actually meant to post a link to the "Playable" prototype, Will post it shortly. Boosters are coming soon! A nuclear engine will be as well. However I want to do some other nuclear engines other than the standard NERVA, think Orion project
  7. Hello, I have decided to show everyone here a little side project I have been working on! Planetes Why Planetes? Planetes from the Greek means wanderer or traveler, so it holds a double meaning of "Planet Wanderers" Development Discord - https://discord.gg/NJHFGcc Core Features: - Space ship building - Space Exploration - Direct control of spaceships (using WASD, etc.) - Resource Gathering - 100% physics based - Extravehicular activities (walking outside of rocket on planets) - Internal vehicle management (moving inside vehicle) - Survival - Combat Future Features: - Interstellar travel The building system is a simple node based system. Parts can be attached to any free node of the same color, provided they do not collide into other parts. Flying in a cave.
  8. This graph was taken from the Skylon manual off the Reaction Engines website. Blue is the flight profile they claim the Skylon will need to follow, green is what most space-planes in KSP used to follow, and red is the current best flight profile to avoid blowing up/moving through air best. So please tell me how this new heating/aero model makes any sense. http://www.reactionengines.co.uk/tech_docs/SKYLON_User_Manual_rev1-1.pdf
  9. My only problem with SSTOs right now is how broken the heating system is right now. Aside from how unpredictable it already is, I finally managed to get my SSTO to orbit and then it just randomly exploded, I am guessing due to some stupid heat calculations. It makes not sense that I can reenter just about any craft going 2000m/s + without shielding, but when I try to take off and go kerbin to space going 900m/s everything explodes.
  10. Squad really needs better people on the testing team. Seems like it is just a bunch of you-tubers and streamers who don't really test the nitty gritty.
  11. This thread can be locked now, as I will no longer be using it to post updates on this game. As well it is technically dead Even though a phoenix is rising from it's ashes! EDIT: Actually if a mod could just change the title to "Stars End - A Space and Planetary Survival Adventure Game" I would really appreciate it. Main post updated.
  12. Since Carl is on the programming side, the issue flips to what value he uses as a min and a max. It really is not an issue though, he just has to learn how to control the generated noise. @Carl I am impressed you appear to be attempting to figure out how to generate procedural planets from scratch.
  13. So you say you are planning on doing an infinite generated universe. My question is why are you handcrafting these planets then? Why not go directly to working on a process for creating them with code?
  14. I think we were referring to how you are representing your atmosphere graphically with particles.
  15. So development of Nobody's Planet has been completely merged with another game, and is now called Stars End. The current public source for information regarding development can be found at the following website. http://www.starsendonline.com/ This currently links to a dev blog and a portal for reaching the games forums which everyone is welcome to join, in our first multiplayer test (100 people) we will be letting active members of the game's forum participate. There are many changes to the game, most obviously it is now considered an MMO, which means rather than a client hosted server structure, there will be a single server with additional ones added as the population dictates. Other changes affect the building of ships and bases, which are both still big features, but have been changed significantly for performance reasons on such a large scale. This is not the large media post I was hoping to get out. Instead I will create a new thread when the time comes.
  16. Soon Getting together a media post and everything. Before Saturday good enough?
  17. That info will be available soon enough, once I write up exactly how things will be coming together.
  18. Yes absolutely, the name will be changing probably, but the game play will remain mostly as previously described. One of the biggest changes is planet size though. Planets will be going from a maximum of 20km in diameter to 40 or larger.
  19. Well I am happy to say that development of this game has merged with another game with similar goals and gameplay! So while I have been silent for months, development will be receiving a surge in progress overall!
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