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  1. Looks like the imgur album has gone. I'll do it again
  2. Eeloo Done!!! I went to Eeloo. Rescued a Kerbal, landed. Took off, ran out of electricity, eva'd then rendezvous with the same craft I had just left, which was on a sub-orbital trajectory. Quick thinking saved the day and all was well in the end. Coming home I thought it would be a good idea to go via Jool and maybe wipe off some speed. I've no idea if it worked but I had a burn set up about a year or so after Jool with a nice encounter with Kerbin. 850-950 dv to get into Kerbin orbit. From there I just gradually brought down the apo till I entered the atmosphere for the last time and landed safely. Just Jool SOI and return from Eve to do. Already have a craft orbiting Bop waiting for fuel
  3. Moho Done.... Finally managed to return from the surface of Moho Sent Agager Kermin in the good ship "Moho 4 Maybe 5" a slightly modified "Dres 2" Achieved Moho encounter. Used a ton of fuel to orbit then transferred to the Lander. Much better control with the seat rotated so the guy is on his back. Landed, grabbed a surface sample and eva report but forgot to do the temp and the other one I always forget the name of. Took off and met back up with the mother ship. Great difficulty getting Kerbin encounter even with KAC. I think the longer the game has been running the less accurate it is. So just burned into Kerbol orbit then worked it out from there. Thought I had plenty of fuel to get into Kerbin orbit. Wrong!!!!.... So I got Agager out to use his jet pack (Remembering to grab the science) 600 d/v just might be enough to do it. Kerbin orbit achieved!! Was I happy or what. Sent up a rescue craft and returned to Kerbin with Agager safe and sound. Still to upgrade the VAB from the last mission to Dres. Bit of a cash flow problem. Will have to do loads of contracts to get the cash together for upgrades. For this one, I'll upgrade the Research centre. Off on my holidays next week so I'll be away for a while.
  4. Dres Done Sent Gerley Kermin to Dres on the good ship Dres 2 Put Dres 2 in Kerbin orbit then sent up fuel and pilot. Got into Dres orbit and used a small craft with one of those chair/seat things as a lander. Never used a chair before. Wow!! was it a handful. It must be controlled from the pilots perspective or something. It was a miracle that I landed safely. No reverts/quick saves. Heart in mouth moments. Launching from Dres to orbit was relatively straight forward, now that I knew what to expect. Met up with the Dres 2 and Gerley transferred over by EVA. Returned to Kerbin , nice orbit .Then noticed the Dres 2 had no heat shield. So transferred Gerley to the craft that brought him to the Dres 2 about 4 years earlier. Unfortunately, this meant I didn't get the returned from Dres worlds first. But the last Picture shows that he did plant a flag on Dres. May try to deorbit the Dres 2 for the worlds first cash. I choose to upgrade the VAB. Pictures may or may not be in the right order .I find imgur a pain
  5. After many disasters and wrong doings on my part, I have landed 2 Kerbals on Dres. Left some fuel in Dres orbit for the return trip only to realise I had taken the docking port off of the lander while redesigning it. This, unfortunately, would cost the lives of the pilot and scientist during Kerbin reentry. http://imgur.com/a/GTAld For landing on Dres I choose to upgrade R&D I noticed I had 2 extra planets in the solar system so uninstalled ModularFlightIntegrator. This caused my solar panels to stop working.Reinstalled the mod. I'll just ignore them. Sometimes after making a manoeuvre node, the game points me in the wrong direction. Very annoying!
  6. I choose to upgrade the astronaut complex. ps still playing on hard difficulty
  7. I landed on Moho for the first time. Meant to go to Jool but changed my mind whilst in Kerbin orbit. Was thinking my solar panels weren't up to the job. Should have researched a bit more as it must have cost about 5000 d/v to just get the encounter. That can't be right. I left at the right time. I think you must have to change your inclination while in Kerbin Orbit.Oh well!! you live and learn. Do I qualify for an upgrade for landing on Moho or do I have to return? http://imgur.com/a/5SqvM
  8. Mission Update. Jeb gets rescued Jeb goes to Duna Jeb comes home. Well! That the Duna SOI completed I choose to upgrade the Launch Pad. http://imgur.com/a/sdmBN
  9. Today we landed a small probe on Eve.. Thank God!!! Took so many attempts. I choose to upgrade the VAB and try to bring Jeb home from Minmus after sitting in his capsule for 100 odd years. Then send him immediately on another voyage of uncertainty Things to do. Too many to list.
  10. If I could only get my probe to hit Eve atmosphere heat shield first. Lost count how many times I've tried. The very first one worked perfectly but i forgot parachutes. Duh!!! All 5 of my Kerbal are stranded and can't EVA. Will try again tomorrow.
  11. I'm out....Without reverts it's just too much for me
  12. Mission Update. We have landed brave Barzer Kerman on Gilly on his very first flight. What a guy! I choose to upgrade Mission Control So far. Mission Control Level 2 Launch Pad Level 2 Tracking Station Level 3 Mun and back Minmus and back Probe on Duna Val on Ike Barzer on Gilly. Things to do Rescue Val on Ike Rescue Jeb on minmus Rescue Barzer on Gilly
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