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  1. The kerbals are just unconscious because they are sleeping I promise. I wasn't really sure which board would be the most appropriate to this content and I figured Discussions would be pretty good. I guess Fan Works is closer of the 2 so would you please move the thread over there.
  2. Introduction I have been running a turn-based multiplayer strategy wargame in KSP for the past few months and we just recently finished the first year of in-game time (thought the first year only started in April). The game is set during the ww2 period and simulates armed conflict between the fictional countries of the Federal Republic of Dritland and the Kingdom of Kohlia. The players get to build their own war machines with era appropriate parts provided from several different mods, then allocate their countries industrial capabilities into constructing their creations and then issuing commands to their troops, the commands are then simulated by the GM (that's me) on their computer and the results of the actions are relayed back to the players. The game has a dedicated Discord server were it is run and we are looking to recruit more members. It is recommend you have experience with mods such as BDarmory, and FAR, as well as interest in strategy gaming and ww2 era conflict but none of these are strictly required. The War so far Before May 1939 Tension between Dritland and Kohlia has been growing for the past several years due to a variety of factors such as; introduction of increasing trade tariffs, differing ideologies, border and territorial water disputes and Dritland supporting the overthrow of the Drosian monarchy. Both countries started increasing their military spending. In Dritland the military high command has taken an active part in administering the country however it is not a full military dictatorship. In Kohlia the king felt that the parliament was holding his country back and decided to dismiss them, turning the country into an absolute monarchy. May 1939 One early April morning a flight of Kohlian fighters spotted a large aircraft with Dritian markings flying into Kohlian airspace north-west of the Kohlian city of Egnardo. Kohlia claims that when the fighters approached the plane to investigate they identified it as a Drit bomber and that the bomber opened fire on them first. Dritlands' ministry of truth claims that the bomber was on an exercise flight and was not carrying any bombs when it drifted into Kohlia due to a navigational error. Whatever the truth is in reality, this incident caused a major diplomatic incident between the two already diplomatically strained countries. In less than a week Dritland officially declared war and advanced its ground forces from their northern military base of Camp Zhelak into Kohlia where they were met by a similarly sized Kohlian force. After an intense opening exchange to the war the Dritian forces claimed an convincing victory in the battle and were the first to occupy enemy territory. Perhaps emboldened by their success in the north Dritian generals ordered their forces to take the Kohlian military base Base Cerberus in the south but there their advance was stopped by the bases defenders. June-October 1939 In the period after the initial engagements the war cooled down somewhat and the front lines became largely static and no large battles took place. Many feared that the war wound turn into a long, static and bloody conflict like the Great War of the east a few decades ago did. However several scouting actions, bombing raids, artillery bombardments and smaller attacks did take place in several locations across the two countries. Particularly the Dritian bomber fleet was used to bombs several enemy cities in an attempt to diminish the Kohlian war industry. These attacks in turn caused Kohlia to deploy a large number of AAA units in an attempt to defend their cities from these bombing raids. Though in the middle of a war both sides manage to find time to participate in the Illustrious Jacques Kerman Air Speed Trophy with both constructing a racing plane. The Kohlian W1K2 Warbler coming out on top with an average speed of over 690 km/h. November 1939 Kohlia attempts to take back their occupied territory in the north with an attack in the north, the attack is not successful in taking the tile back from the Dritian forces. Not being discouraged by the setback in the north, a large Kohlian combined arms force cross into Dritland from Base Cerberus and are met by the Dritian vanguard. The battle of the Ste Olga plain is so far the largest engagement fought in this war and the largest battle since the Great War of the east. After lengthy fighting and heavy losses the Kohlian forces manage to even out the score by also managing to advance into and occupy Dritian territory. In a later report a Dritian sergeant swears that they saw the Kohlian W1K2 Warbler racing plane with bombs strapped to it drop them and then getting shot down in the battle but this report has not been able to be verified. December 1939 After the chaos of the last month the chilly month of December is relatively calm as the rival forces decide to throw shells in lieu of men at the enemy. in the factories of the warring parties workers prepare to construct new machines of war with the soon to be unlocked components from 1940 and in the military bases of the countries interviews for new generals are being conducted.... Wishing to Join? Join the discord here: https://discord.gg/m9g44nkS (Valid until: 10.7.2024) Please bravely announce your joining in general and feel free to ping the gm if you have any questions. A little bonus:
  3. So I just had a quick test with the new update and the part are great and very varied. I already have many ideas for builds using the new parts and the the new way of handling the ammo makes it a lot simpler and easier. I am also very happy to see my suggestion of using the fox defense armor camos for the bd modular armors. But there are also some problems I found, starting from the least significant: Some of the new parts textures look a bit oversaturated, at least to me (the R3 turret and the M109) The type-87 Anti Air seems to have its fire rate cut in half. In the mod it has a salvo fire rate (combined fire rate of the 2 guns) of 550 but I believe the fire rate should be 550 per gun Finally my biggest gripe with the update is that the radars on the new spaa turrets are OP as hell. Most of them being more than 4x more powerful than the normal BDarmorys TWS locking radar and their max range being set to 100km is a bit silly also. I think they would be fine you just copied the radar attributes of the goalkeeper radar or the jernas missile turret radar to them which would make them more inline with the normal BDarmory power level. ps. I dont think m163 should have a radar as it only has a ranging radar irl, but I guess you could just make it a weak scan-only radar with like a 2-5 km range.
  4. It would be really nice to be able to use your armor camo patterns with the new configurable armor panels. Having every tank be dark gray get stale quickly. I dont really know how hard it would be to make a patch for that but that would be really cool.
  5. Ok, so I know this might be a bit strange but I want to disable far and use the stock aerodynamics for a specific part. Is this possible, and if so how? TY
  6. With the new BDA patch and the amazing new armor system I found that the armor pieces and turrets in your mod became too heavy. I experimented a bit and found that about 10% weight for the armor panels was great. Though you'll have take a look at the turrets weights. Also some ammo types (only pure ap no explosive) seemed to have really strange penetration amounts. The KV-1 turret with normal ap would pen where the apcr wouldn't so i think you have some funky penetration multipliers for some bullets. Also also it would be really nice if you where to list the ammos pens in the part desciption
  7. I think K2 is more the name of the tallest mountain in the range, and the range would have some other name.
  8. Wow! I have never seen this map before and it has a lot of cool names though some names i prefer from the other one.
  9. This beautiful map was originally made for the Kerbin Science Initiative and I have been using it for reference for anytime I wanted to refer to some part of Kerbin. However sometimes I find the map lacking either due to some features lacking names or that the names are maybe a bit silly. I was hoping to remake or just improve this map with the community. I'm interesting in hearing what the community has to say about some of the names on this map and the suggestions you guys come up with. I'll start with listing some of the problems i have found on this map from left to right on the map: 1: The Mamba river has come to be known as the Kile (kebal Nile) as it is the longest river on kerbin 2:West Kulge appears twice. I think this side is okay but maybe the other part should have some other name 3:Having 3 sets of "Kairo mountains" is a bit silly since they are nowhere near each other (rename 2 and keep on Kairo mountains) 4:Ocean of smiles, name is a bit silly but since the smiley face is in the game (though how it was discovered before the ocean was named i dont know). And a bunch of islands need names 5: Bamboo isles good name for the group but individual islands need names. 6:Booster islands need names. 7: The Twins need names 8:I think the sea region beyond the twins is distinct enough from the Ocean of smiles to be an another ocean. 9: The semi-separate lands mass west of Gnosis should/could be another continent 11:unnamed sea west of said continent: 12: near the top next to terror mountains is an unnamed lake and below that 2 more. 13: Maw as a name for a peninsula is a bit stupid 14: Sets of features known a bulge something. one of the mountains is fine but other needs a unique name. And a bulge makes no sense for the name of a bay. 15: Great divide peninsula is a bit of a mouthfull and give the strait at the bottom a name. 16: Sea of worms name is a bit weird and has unnamed islands. 17: Zacharov is a good name but now there is a place known as woomerang launch site (so make the names more local) 18:if the sea of Worms had only one island calling it islands of worms would be fine nut other wise doesnt make too much sense 19:top right has an unnamed lake 20: bottom right unnamed islands. 21: Overall has many many names which could be a lot better too. I think The best way to come up with names is to take inspiration from somewhere. For example we now have the DSN locations: Also kerbinside: And naming places after scientist, ksp youtuber and modders. as was done in the fall of kerbin youtube series i suggest the unnamed sea is named the Acean sea Please leave your suggestions below. Update 1: Oceans, Seas, Continents and some other stuff has received names. Most of them lifted or inspired by the other other maps here. Thanks Caerfinon for sharing the Kerbal Nation States map. Hopefully the compression isnt too bad.
  10. Using mouse wheel to scroll doesn't work. Using +/- to zoom works. My mouse is fine and works perfectly everywhere else. I have tried: Restarting the game, Reinstalling the game and Restarting my PC.
  11. i have one too though its e-class never even touched it.i kinda wanna put it in a circular orbit
  12. can i launch my orion lookalike to the station and make some crew transfers
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