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Everything posted by Companion

  1. I just happened to have a plastic model of this plan sitting at my desk. Holding it up to the screen in comparison shows that your plane is extremely accurate right down to the distance between the wings.
  2. WHY U SO GOOD?! And unfortunately, no, my spaceport DOESN'T have won!
  3. this is the CSS (Companion Space Station). I lags my computer out so much I can't even press F5 to quick save with out going to a different ship! [ATTACH=CONFIG]34929[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]34930[/ATTACH]
  4. if this is your first interplanary flight I suggest getting Mechjeb, its useful
  5. maybe, but Minmus has an inclination and Mechjeb can handle it
  6. I've been having some trouble with transferring to Eve using Mechjeb. It keeps saying its moving to the injection burn point, but Eve has passed my rocket at least 3 times and the rocket hasn't started burning. Also, why does Mechjeb say that zero deltaV is needed to get to Eve?
  7. I would like to have a rocket capable of getting to Eve and back, mods allowed: Mechjecb, Mechanical Mouse industries (not the kethane pack, only sattalite and payload packs) note: I would like the payload to be built from the ion engines in MMI
  8. Rover touch down on Duna! [ATTACH=CONFIG]33437[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]33438[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]33439[/ATTACH]
  9. get mechjeb? with mechjeb you can go into orbit around the sun, then go into orbital operations, click on trans, select your planet
  10. My parachutes will only open in the Kerbin atmosphere, but I see pictures of other people landing on other planets with them. Anybody wanna tell me how?
  11. how do you deploy chutes on another planet exactly?
  12. This is my first Duna orbiter. I used MMI, and mechjeb to do this. The process of getting to Duna was very slow, like 2 hours long real-team and 101 days in game. This was because I used ion engines (from MMI) which only have 15 thrust but are re-chargeable. [ATTACH=CONFIG]33364[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]33365[/ATTACH]
  13. I assume you guys are going to update soon for .17? having the ion engines would be very effective for getting to other planets!
  14. I may have used the fuel bug without knowing, but I don't openly abuse it. I'll post a picture on my next failed flight
  15. it seems that my rockets need twice as much fuel to get into space as they did before. I always seem to go past my apoapsis before getting into orbit.
  16. It seems that in .17 rockets are now much harder to get into orbit. Is this just me or am I right?
  17. The KSPCS (Kerbal Space Program Communication Sattelite) is my first sattelite made with the mechanical mouse mod pack I think I could have made it a bit better, but tell me what you think!
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