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Everything posted by Companion

  1. NOTE: I am not connected to the develpment of this mod in any way, find the mod page here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/13692-Mechanical-Mouse-Industries-Kethane-Payload-Packs-Released%21%21%21 One of the mods in this pack, the sattalite mod, would, in my opinion, be great for interplanetary travel. I just recently got the mod and you can run your ships with ion engines. I do not know much about it but the ion engines are run by ion battery packs which I think (I am not sure) can be recharged with solar panels. If this is true then this would be ideal for interplanetary mission as you would not run out of fuel. The only downside is that the ion engine only has a thrust of 15.
  2. woo! I went back to the last auto-save. I tried to return to Kerbin but I ran out of fuel during the orbital insertion. Thankfully I was high enough to EVA into orbit. I'm now sending a rescue team
  3. Well, I finally got to the moon today... only to accidentally kill the kerbalnuaght doing an EVA... [ATTACH=CONFIG]32848[/ATTACH]
  4. try sending an Kerbal to Minmus then have them EVA into Kerbol (This is the name for the sun right?) orbit
  5. Try making a rocket with stock parts using landing wheels to drive and RSC to move yourself. Land in on the Mun or Minmus and have a great time
  6. I've seen a few videos of this mod and it seems very nice, I will consider getting it when my full version arrives
  7. Hi, my name is Companion (my screen name for everything ) I just got teh free version about a week ago and after getting to the moon (but not landing ) and to orbit, and interplanitary space I really want the full version, I look forward to seeing everybody's creations.
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