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Everything posted by Good_Apollo

  1. Hmmm well I don't have but maybe 2-3 stock parts as well. Dunno why you have problems with that many.
  2. I feel like the Delta II is too small. Did you 64% it? The proportions just seem...off. Also the third stage should be partially inside the top part of the second instead of floating above. The model fits fine it just needs to have the node lowered on the second stage. Other than that, it seems to be a fine job!
  3. Bobcat's Soviet and American packs Lionhead's ESA (ATV/Ariane 5 only) and Rovers/Probes ULA's Pack KerbX Pack (Falcon 9/Dragon only) I.S.S. Pack ...and all associated plugins Mechjeb 2 Kerbal Crew Manifest Not an abhorrent amount of parts, nothing the likes of KW or Novapunch, I always had problems with those installed and gave up on them back in like .16. I have reached a high number though but I haven't experienced a RAM related crash since the .20 restructuring and the 32-bit RAM workaround I did in .18. The only thing new is the ULA Pack. Twice it CTD right before the load-in for launch and the third time I got to pad and on launch readiness, CTD. [EDIT] Will definitely check out BossSquirrelz's thread, never noticed it so thanks for the head's up. I was under the impression Chimer4 or BlazingAngel was already working on one as well though.
  4. Both of the rockets are exactly what I've been asking for. Now for the Delta II... Unfortunately I CTD everytime I try to launch anything with the CCB...but I'm totally satisfied with the models since I'm hoping that issue will get worked out. The textures...leave much to be desired but I know you guys are aware of that. The models are simplistic but exactly the necessary amount and I'm sure some good textures will seal the deal! Extreme framedrops just viewing the CCB in the VAB, huge skipping when moving the part. I know the CTD is a memory issue, including these two rockets I now have a decent amount of mods but I shouldn't be CTD quite yet (I know what that limit is) so I'm not sure if the CCB is eating up RAM with it's model or the textures or if it's a different error altogether. Unlike usual memory CTD, this issue causes KSP to freeze and skip between two frames for about 10 seconds before the CTD. No windows error message like I would expect.
  5. DSL loads fine for me and I have the new mumech and MJ2 installed. Files in the wrong place? I've had errors like this seem to occur when you have renamed directories/folder names or have plugins in the wrong place or redundancies.
  6. You can put it where you want since the thing can crawl itself all over the station. It's primary 'zone' is usually going to be on the S0 Truss where (in real life) it's mounted to a track system that can move along the truss. Since we don't have the relocation or track systems for the arm, you should put it wherever you think it looks best or will be most useful. Dunno if it works with KAS.It can mount itself to any of these but I don't know if or how many are actually represented on the textures. It's a pretty minor detail though. To be honest I never found either the Buran or Canadarm2 to be stable enough to be useful. Even if you manage to get your craft stable enough (using precision control) it's very difficult to be precise enough to be used alone, the torque is just too much.
  7. No developer wants to take on the liability of paid mods. It gets messy with IP and copyright issues. They do it because they love the game. Not to mention it makes for good portfolio filler if you're in or want to get into the business.
  8. He kinda kerbalized it like he's done with his other mods. Is it really supposed to go with that Apollo mod instead of standalone? Don't get me wrong it looks cool but kinda goofy too. [Edit] I guess it's just the bright orange. All the photos of the LRV from Apollo are always washed out. Can anyone link to the Apollo thread, I've seen it before but I think it's gotten lost in the forum.
  9. I never got around to asking because it's such a small issue, but why is the Parachute part for the Thor backshell colored grey instead of white now? It's been that way since the .20 update.
  10. Not to mention the fact that PNG textured mods are still currently borked on .20 because of who knows what that Squad did. They use like 3x the amount of RAM they did in .19
  11. To the future, so glad corporate interests have started.
  12. I'm pretty sure if he could fix it he would have. Clearly you somehow made an impossible piece, that's some kind of accomplishment! :3 The important thing is that the project is moving forward, you shouldn't give up.
  13. He's had it in the works. I'm pretty sure it was pointed out that he had some alpha looking parts for a Vostok in one of his screenshots for the American Pack. The Soviet Pack isn't supposed to be complete yet as far as I know. Bobcat is a machine.
  14. Quest is looking real good. Did you make it multiple parts because of the issue with fitting it in the Buran?
  15. Should always be balanced around the game. I think it's best to start from realism and downscale to KSP and work from there. The finer points of balance can always get worked out after a release as well. You'll have more feedback into what people seem to find works or doesn't work rather than your small group of testers amongst yourself.
  16. Nice to hear, look forward to it! And if I haven't mentioned before, my very sincere gratitude for all the work you and the others in LH have put into this game! <3 Ou habitez-vous en France? Je parle francaise parce que ma famille...my writing is meh.
  17. I only learned about it just now but I thought it was interesting enough to throw you a question: Ever think about making the ESA's Mars Express w/Beagle-2? I know it failed and all but it doesn't seem too complex, goes well with your other mars vehicles, was created by the ESA (Yes I know the Beagle-2 lander was British not French), and the launch vehicle (Soyuz-FG/Fregat) has already been made for you by Bobcat! I know you got other projects but I was just curious if you had any interest, past, present, or future for this. The lander may have failed but the Mars Express was historic nontheless. Not only was it the ESA's first mission to Mars and the first Russian launch to leave LEO since the days of the Soviet Union but it was also one of the fastest trips to the Red Planet as it and the Earth were the closest they'd been in 60,000 years! I think it deserves a spot among your ESA pack and the rest of your fine work.
  18. It's probably ignorance. I understand the concept but I do what I know how to do in KSP, which is a straight injection burn from Kerbin. If someone threw me a guide to using bodies like moons as slingshots in KSP I sure as hell would utilize them. I was also under the impression that KSP didn't simulate gravitational forces well enough to perform slingshot maneuvers between multiple bodies. As in, you could use the Mun if you wanted to but you wouldn't gain additional DV. Inclination/eccentricity are what would throw me off the most, but then, I've still only gotten around to Eve, Jool, Duna, and only the Mun/Minmus as far as moons go. I tried to get to Moho once, but I never even got close and since then my efforts have been focused mainly around LKO and Duna operations.
  19. I've been arriving at the Mun with the EDS fueled enough to do a circularization burn and at least half of an inclination burn before I stage it to the lander. It's only meant to be parked in LEO so when you factor in KSP's rescale you should be putting it into a 70-80KM orbit. At least, that's what I've been doing.
  20. Yeah I'm treating the AP as pretty alpha still. I think there's 2 major things that should be looked at in the case of both the Ares I/V. 1. Stability, both of these rockets are incredibly wobbly (far far worse than the Proton and Soyuz as both are completely stable aside from some payload wobble) but these things have major part stability issues and I think it comes down to the lack of useful gimbaling on the SRB's (causes HUGE stress on the rocket trying to move it at all with them still burning in anything but a 90 degree angle to the point where sometimes the things explode). Although I kind of like the 'pop-in' fairings I think they add to these stability issues and sometimes they refuse to function/jettison properly, not to mention you can't attach anything to them. 2. There's still lots of bugs/errors in the craft files such as staging issues, control group errors, and some parts missing (solar panels). Of course any diligent user can accommodate for these but I just thought I'd let you know. I will say that, as usual, your attention to the details is amazing and I love how you added separation rockets and in-flight control motors on the exterior just like the plans. One thing I'd like to see added is the very important 'Loiter Skirt' that contained some solar panels for power on the unmanned Ares V EDS such as for the Cargo Altair that would be jettisoned after the TLI. Currently I've been slapping on two of Orion's panels as shown in some versions of the EDS but it would be a cool addition. In addition to that it would be cool if you added the seperation rockets to the SRB for the Ares I, but I guess they'd have to be separate parts or you'd have to make a different SRB since it wouldn't work for the Ares V... Or There's so many damn versions of these systems though so I have no idea what you've been using as reference, or if you forgot and planned to add stuff like this later, or just thought it was unnecessary.I'm sure you'll polish this into a perfect beast though so I'm not worried.
  21. Sounds like an administrator problem. Do you have access to all the files on your HD?
  22. He changed his mind on making the MTV? He mentioned that we should prepare for traveling to Duna.
  23. Looks good Bobcat. Shame though that the Devo PMA will forever remain a KSP mystery...
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