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Everything posted by Good_Apollo

  1. Why don't people listen, damn. Believe it or not I know what I'm talking about, this isn't working properly.
  2. Look at the picture...it's not the gravity turn, it just flips over. Doesn't matter what settings you have. Maybe it's just me, but I can't see how I can be the only one having this issue. I'm not doing anything special. I've turned off and on every setting, changed them around. Always flips over around 1-3KM.
  3. I never got a response, but the camera image is very messed up for me now. Yes I have it installed correctly and only one instance of the plugin. It's almost as if the camera image is without AA...in a bad way, very very very jagged edges and flickering. I don't remember it looking like this pre-0.20...grainy but not like this. Hard to tell in pictures without them moving, but it looks awful in-game.
  4. Im looking this now Here's some pics of it happening. No idea what's going on but it only happens with the Kliper and it didn't use to.
  5. The PMA doesn't work because it doesn't contain a docking module. There's CBMs for the US/ESA/JAXA modules. The Zarya solar panels aren't in the pack because they get folded up anyway. You can just use the Mir ones if you really want to. Personally I'm holding off on assembling it as there's just too many bugs atm.
  6. Yup, Kliper's been finished for some time, check it out in his Soviet Pack.Also, where you intending on making the DragonRider?
  7. They're all different. Your choice.This mod is the reusable Falcon 9v1.1 and Falcon Heavy, the KerbX is the unmanned Dragon used for the CRS + Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 launchers. The Dragon Rider mod is the manned version of the Dragon capsule. They're all completely different and in some cases, not compatible with each other.
  8. See now I don't get that. Proton works fine for me, Soyuz with Progress and Soyuz TMA works fine. Kliper/Soyuz worked perfectly before. Something changed...
  9. Suddenly can't use Ascent AP for the Kliper/Soyuz anymore...around 3KM it suddenly just starts to flip over no matter what I do. Worked perfectly before .20....really starting to hate how broken everything gets after any updates. I had everything I wanted working so nicely.
  10. I seem to be having an issue with the docking cams. I'm just using it with bobcats soviet pack atm and the docking cams work, however, graphically there seems to be something amiss as before they were clear (black and white/grainy but clear) now the images flicker like a texture flicker even though the actual textures aren't.
  11. That's the thing, I do have it...on a fresh install of KSP.
  12. I'm having a problem, Kliper's attach nodes appear to be scaled wrong or something. The parts no longer match up correctly like they did pre-0.20
  13. That's a Unity issue, not a Romfarer issue. The only advice I can give is use capslock for fine control. It at least...lessens the effects to be manageable.
  14. Hope you found the motivation, awaiting a .20 release??
  15. This is me as well. I have to have all the 'real' stuff. Lionhead's probes to Bobcat's work, SpaceX rockets and the I.S.S.!
  16. Unfortunately the addons that are the only reason I play KSP require them. :X
  17. Oh yeah, launch clamps are bugged in a big way. I liked it better when they just exploded instead of exploding my ship! XD
  18. A modder doesn't HAVE to do anything. It would be cool though as I loved the plugin!
  19. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30559-20-And-mods
  20. They work but they aren't optimized for the new loading system. Squad did say the old way won't be around long...Obviously you can fix it yourself but it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a 'fixed' version uploaded either for simplicity's sake.
  21. I always wondered why I had to reopen the hatches on the Mir Core....
  22. We don't need them, they wouldn't be used for anything but cosmetics.
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