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Everything posted by Yeomans

  1. Earlier today I actually downloaded a parts pack for the old parts from pre-demo (It was by someone named Feanor), the reason I actually downloaded it was for the command pod. A little tweaking in blender and a bit of cfg editing and I scaled it to be used as a 1m wide, 3 man command pod. Unfortunately I still am not sure how to make a hatch for it...
  2. I have a nice 3:2:1 ratio that goes as follows 3 - Build a great payload 2 - Build the stages necessary so I can get it where I want 1 - Make the whole thing look beautiful
  3. It's evident by the Docking mods available that implementing Docking is no small feat, and is prone to error. The mods currently available also have an issue where objects that are docked are affected by gravity separately; this can be an issue during precise burns, during sphere of influence changes, and over time orbits tend to shift around because of this. Squad no doubt wants to get docking right the first time, so they are definitely hard at work on it, but I hope they take their time to perfect it.
  4. It's very unlikely in any situation to have a natural satellite (beta) orbiting a natural satellite (alpha) of a planet. In terms of a large natural satellite (let's say, something that is massive enough to have a significant gravity well), you have to consider that the satellite would not only be affected by it's primary's sphere of influence, but also the sphere of influence of the primary's primary. When satellite beta is between the two primaries, it is going to be affected by each of the objects. This, in most cases, will either cause the beta satellite to escape the system (and likely alter the orbit of satellite alpha), or the beta satellite may switch bodies to the alpha satellite, if, say, the planet was a large gas giant. In terms of a small natural satellite, it's very much the same as a spacecraft orbiting a planet. If you look at space stations, they can only last a few years in orbit without ajdustments. Around earth, during times of frequent sun spots, atmospheric drag occurs at much higher altitudes than during time of few sunspots. Not to mention that when an object is orbiting something much larger than it, gravitational radiation has a hand to play in orbital decay, imagine a coin rolling down a funnel; much like the coin, over time, the radius of a small satellite's orbit will decrease. These two factors make it very unlikely in the real world for a satellite to orbit a planet's satellite. It is possible, but in actuality, if it wasn't implemented well in KSP, we could see some strange effects in that planetary system (the space-ception cracken, if I may so coin the term).
  5. There is an issue in that they would have to find a good way so that people who bought the game pre-steam can get the steam version. I've seen devs try this and it's always a mess with cd keys not working and all that fun stuff. The only real advantage that could be had from being on steam would be the updating, however, that's being improved and next update should solve many of the problems. You can always add KSP as a non-steam game, which is what I did, so that my steam friends know I'm busy.
  6. I apologize to anyone who has been trying to get on the site today, there's some unexpected downtime on the Spruz network. I have sent a support ticket in and hopefully the problem should be resolved within the next hour or two. If not, I'm sincerely sorry.
  7. Haha definitely! Those astronauts must've been craving some ice cream XD better not eat it all in one go though...
  8. Thanks alot to people who are posting things on the group, I really sincerely appreciate your help with nurturing this little idea of mine.
  9. on second thought, think i could use your plaque design for the model? it's better that's for sure
  10. Yeah, definitely, I want to keep it kind of open, so please feel free to just start posting content, if it gets too cluttered I'll start to organize the discussions more.
  11. Well, I'm going to start putting stuff on there, and then I'll probably start spreading the word some more, on the orbiter forum and places like that.
  12. That's good, and actually it fixed itself for me. I guess I should start adding some actual content instead of messing around with the theme. Feel free to let other people know and stuff!
  13. does the rest of the theme have a blue colour palette? must be a bug, because my page has the unedited theme...
  14. Thank you! Out of curiosity, is the theme you're seeing have a custom banner at the top, or is the theme plain grey with white text.
  15. Thanks alot! This one looks more sleek haha. One user and (hopefully?) counting!
  16. Feel free to sign up if you want, it's more appealing when there's actually people other than the admin on there haha, and yeah I'm slowly making the design more appeasing.
  17. I'm glad you like it. Would you guys be okay if I posted up the concept? I'm still working on it a bit and I'll make the theme look nicer within the next few hours. Right now I'm using this service's free plan and stuff, just to try it out, if it catches on I'll either sink some cash into upgrading, or I'll put up an actual website http://outpost-one.spruz.com/
  18. Well my current Idea for the name of the site was Outpost One, just because it's kind of spacey, but it's very ambiguous and could really be any space themed site.
  19. Yeah, that's part of why I was so intrigued in this idea, because I go on a lot of online communities that most people would consider "nerdy", but there aren't social network-type sites that I know of where people have interests like this. Thanks!
  20. I'm glad you're interested, seems theres a few others who are interested as well, I'm gauging the response on this site, and then I'm going to post a topic on the orbiter forums. If the response here is good, I already know of a free framework I can use to actually public test it.
  21. I thought I should expand more on the concept... The user will be able to join and create groups where they can interact in discussion and participate in group projects. An example of this would be a group dedicated to Kerbal Space Program, and the members of this group could collaborate on something (such as a video or a mod). There will be chat rooms for members of the network, a general chat, for example, and then more specific chat rooms, say for discussion of nasa missions, or of discussion of KSP or other sims. Possibly a wiki, in this wiki people can create guides or pages relating to spaceflight, orbital mechanics, or even how to use a KSP mod. This isn't intended to be a replacement for the forums, however, it will have more of an emphasis on social interaction than the forum as of now.
  22. They didn't make a big deal of it, because at that altitude the rocket could still complete the mission with 3 of it's 9 engines not working, which goes to show that the rocket is pretty damn reliable. And thanks, I'll definitely give it a shot.
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