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Everything posted by Hitperson

  1. that should be the KSP splash screen, or maybe the same image but instead of a rocket and trail a huge explosion at the bottom of the screen.
  2. may as well be 3 years with the quality of what you are curning out...
  3. is there another link to this pack as the media fire link just continually re loads the page and doesn\'t present a download link.
  4. is there anyway to donate without using paypal??
  5. Sir! There's an unidentified object on the scope, it looks like a huge... Parts are standard ones with, These and parts from This pack
  6. Another note: the small liquid fuel engine was almost enough to get me into orbit from a failed launch (1k alt) not once did it get close of overheating. it might need balancing a bit.
  7. Just downloaded this (so i will give it a go and feedback) as a quick query though, does it transfer fuel??
  8. Have to say, i do love this pack, i have had some musings though. With the RCS module, have you though about having the main body set up as a fuel tank and then have the nozzles separate as an individual piece which you then mount on the side with the symmetry (x4), also as a consideration with the 5X1 adaptor an inverted one would allow it's use for intermediate stages as you could couple it to the bottom of decouplers. but anyway, enough gibbering from me, this is an excellent pack.
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