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Everything posted by Marscommander

  1. Seems to be a problem with yours, as I just flew it a week ago and had no issues. Love the thing, looks amazing, just really needs a special decoupler or something to eject it.
  2. Glad to see that you can finally show us what you've been working on, the Anticipation is killling me!
  3. The Ion ones seem to be able to push it up into orbit, I have done it before... I will probably start using the eagle more as I have pretty much done all I can with shuttles And as for eagle upgrades? I find that the best upgrade is to strap the enormous wheels to each gear pod It tends to be a bit, well, Awesome.
  4. Good to hear that eagle bug is gonna be fixed. I have lost many ships on landing because I forgot to cycle the gear... So you are giving up on WT-52? Or just the 51? I liked the rover transportability that the 51 offered. Hopefully that shuttle you have in the works will fulfill that role
  5. Yea, this shuttle is great for small ops. I don't always want to launch a rocket capable of 100 tons payload to orbit. Sometimes you just need a comsat or a kethanesat, or even a small crew resupply. The whole point of the shuttle is THE Kerbin Mini Shuttle
  6. Anyone else having trouble landing with the docking adapter? I just can't pick the nose up for landing, airbrakes, rcs, flaps, nothing. you might want to include some weights for the tail, like the ones in lack luster labs, they work GREAT.
  7. What they need are some seat belts! They haven't figured out yet that in order for the driver to stay in his seat he needs a restraint of some sort.
  8. Are you kidding me? This is Kerbal Space Program! Just Strap on 30 External seats!
  9. FloorIt! What a name! that's one of the best kerbal mod names I have ever heard... Lol
  10. I've always used it since my first post. Guess it kinda stuck. That and I like blue I'll try getting it up on spaceport again tonight. If it doesn't work, I'll upload it to dropbox or something. EDIT: The download is up! well sort of, on my PC it doesn't want to pull up the actual page, so please tell me if it is working or not, I can't tell.
  11. I haven't tested it, but it should work in theory... I'm Not sure why the kerbals would need transport on that moon, but If you want to do it, all the power to ya. And Would anyone like to help me find out how I can upload it? Spaceport doesn't want to work, and I really don't know any other way to put it up easily for people to see. Comic Sans? No clue. Just wanted something different.
  12. I have to try that! and Maybe do an Enterprise-Style Landing test?
  13. My Appologies, I forgot to add that bit, Only B9 was used.
  14. Sorry for the double post. Yep, you never really forget looking at the stars away from the city lights. I have a 8" Newtonian telescope, and it gives great views of the moon and Saturn's rings.
  15. If you go to the Custom Window Editor in MechJeb2 there is a suicide burn counter that you can add to a window, or make a new window with it. I personally added it to Surface Info.
  16. Mars Mission Industries Koeing Division Mars Mission Industries proudly presents their first commercial aircraft, the Koeing 747-A. The aircraft is fully functional and capable of transporting up to 18 Kerbals(Plus Pilots). It is a highly versitile aircraft that is fully functional. [Airbrakes not covered by warranty.] Mars Mission industries would also like to include its crew ramp, so that unloading your crew is easy. [Jeb Disembarking after a flight] Notes: Craft only requires B9 and KSP .23 to work. Average piloting skills are recommended, although it is a breeze to fly. Craft: EDIT: Spaceport was nuked and destroyed, so the download was too. If anyone still wants this aircraft, leave a message and I will put up a new download. Fly Safe!
  17. Like this: Or do you mean something like this: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Technology_tree If you go into the persistant file you can edit Science points to like 99999 or something like that, pretty much any number. } SCENARIO { name = ResearchAndDevelopment scene = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 sci = 1374.503<----This one Tech { Either way glad that I could be of assistance.
  18. I was having the same issue but after many hours of experimentation I narrowed it down to the part. It turns out that the square docking port from LLL causes everthing to spin and the command pod to separate, even if you turn on "unbreakable joints". Maybe its just my save but that's what was going on for me. And Tiberion I just want to say thank you for the amazing mods and models. You do such a great job!
  19. Don't worry we will see something soon enough, and if not I am glad I was here to see the things that this guy thought of.
  20. stop bugging the modders! If you want a mod make it yourself!
  21. Hey genius read before you rage. Go to page 43, post 425, then I suggest you re-consider your ill-worded post.
  22. For me planes won't drive strait. a 4 wheeled plane 22 parts, goes left an right hands off.
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