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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Well, this was during deorbit burn - the parachute should have been inside its shroud, since its stage wasn't activated yet. Graphically, and in the stage display, it was undeployed. Anyway, I wouldn't say that the parachute should be taking any damage during deorbit burn, because really there isn't much of an alternative to deorbit burning.
  2. Woo, I love it! When individual separate abort and jettison buttons are made for LESs, this will be even more epic! One problem I just experienced, though... I was deorbit burning a standard LVT-40 engine and when I was at about 1100 m/s, the parachute module exploded. Now my kerbals are doomed to death. (well, the trajectory took it to the dark side but you know what I mean.) Care to explain what happened and write Mrs. Kerman a condolence letter? EDIT: Post-mortem catastrophic failure report says that Mk20 parachute exploded due to overheating. There was an LFT, a Mini-decoupler and the pod between the engine and the chute.
  3. Well I think I've found out why it was hard for me to understand. The four side nodes on the decoupler base were pretty difficult to avoid when placing the centre node on the stack. Now I'm trying to attach the clutch in 4-symmetry and it's attaching seemingly rotated 90deg in position and in orientation. The way that placement works right now makes it extremely hard to even hover the part over the nodes at all. Edit - Okay I finally managed to attach the clutches. Now when I use 4-side symmetry again to attach the shrouds, the symmetry immediately turns itself off when I try to attach it and puts one on instead, slightly clipped into the LFT.
  4. Major bump but the advanced decoupler looks awesome. Sadly it doesn't work for me either. When I press the advanced decopler base part, I get the one decoupler part, which I attach to my stack. For some reason at this point I don't get the two or four or even one little shroud. Could we have a step by step typed walkthrough of how to do this to see if it's broken or if I'm just an idiot?
  5. Hey everyone, Volt here. I'm a sheep shaggin' Welshman with a passion for launching green men on nearly-always suicide missions into space. Usually into space. Sometimes at 200m/s towards the VAB. I've had an interest in space exploration, specifically NASA and ESA since I visited Cape Canaveral a few years ago and basically learnt everything I know about the history of the space program. Right now I'm dismayed to see the ISS with its days numbered and no prospect for a future space program, because I really do believe we can make it to other planets if we put our minds to it. Just thought I'd register and stop lurking to give my opinion on some things and join in the Kerbal chatter. ;D See you round the forums, I guess! Volt P.S. to the forum mods, I was a little annoyed at the rather tight password regulations: 'Your password must be at least 8 characters long, contain uppercase and lowercase letters and digits.' My password should really be my choice and I'm more likely to forget it because I've had silly restrictions put on it. This is just a forum really, not the NATO network or something. Not trying to sound mean by the way, it's just password restrictions really get my back up.
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