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  1. I vaguely remembered subscribing to this youtuber until I watched it and remembered why I unsubbed. The idiocy in his vids get real old, real quick. Now if you're after some REAL idiocy, you need to watch Robbaz, King of Sweden, Lord of the Vikings, Destroyer of all that is Kerbal. All Hail Robbaz.
  2. A whole 10 seconds on his profile and I found this: I suggest everyone stop worrying about B9 Aerospace. Put down your Kerbals and go outside and play. The weather is nice.
  3. #1 Resources #2 Resources #3 Resources #4 Aaaand, oh yeah, Resources. Because, you know, launching massive constructs into space on huge OP NASA-themed launch systems created to pander to a broader customer base is fun and all, but HAVING SOMETHING TO ACTUALLY DO with these creations besides screenshot them and post them in a "HEY GUISE!!! LUK AT MI HUGE THING I MADEZ" thread would be kinda nice. Getting real bored of seeing 2000+ part orbital monstrosities that do absolutely...nothing.
  4. Hahahahahaha....I lol'd hard because that was my first thought as well
  5. A really good Sci-Fi novel, Dragon's Egg, explores this hypothesis...very well done book http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon%27s_Egg
  6. I have absolutely no words I could possibly use to describe how sick I am of these threads. Wyseman seems to have expressed it in the best possible way, and I think from now on I'll just cut and paste his response every time someone brings up this stupid topic. Thank you Wyseman. Some people use it because they need it. Some people use it for basic convenience but could go without it. Some people like its information tabs but don't use the assisted features. Some people don't use it. Some people don't use it and express a negative attitude toward those that do. Now everybody just get over yourselves and get back to topics with some actual relevance please, this one has been beaten to death too many times.
  7. Just posting to express my appreciation for this mod, nothke. For such a simple little 2-part mod, you've completely changed how I build my ships, they are way nicer looking now...I love you dude! (no homo)
  8. Nope, I've never used KW myself and I have just encountered the bug myself. For me, I've not had problems with Engi on .23 until today, when I installed TAC life support, now Engi no worky. :*(
  9. Agreed. I have no use for the probes as is, and haven't used them for anything. Plus, why would this emulate an infinite science mod? Diminishing returns guarantees that can't happen, doesn't it? Also, "Please add photos and a part list"....uhhh....lawls aplenty there. Good idea, Interfect, I'll be trying this out.
  10. Same thing I've been bloody well hoping to see for almost a year now....Resources. What I expect to see : -More biomes on Kerbin....even though I spend 99% of my time trying to leave that planet -Kerbunnies...because pointless biomes need wildlife -2 new parts I won't need or even realize they've added for a month or two -Even nicer re-entry flames to kill my FPS...but of course without all that added "heat" and "realism" etc. -Coral reefs underwater, because...reasons -6 more painful bugs introduced and not addressed, much like the transition bug in this last release -Pintles and gudgeons, because even though I have no idea what the hell those are, they will STILL have a better chance of getting in than resources -18,596 fanboys jumping all over this post to admonish me for expecting the devs to put in one of the most requested things for KSP ever, and something talked about for a year now -2 or so likewise intelligent but frustrated long time players who actually have the -as the Nausicaans say- "Guramba" to agree with me (you know who you are) But what I do NOT expect to see in the next release, is...resources :*(
  11. I lol'd. Then for some reason I repeated it in the voice of Inigo Montoya and lol'd harder. I don't know why.
  12. Yes....I too cannot wait to start exploring...Uranus....*sigh*. Can we please take Futurama's idea and rename this planet "Urectum" to stop that stupid joke once and for all? Backing quietly out of the thread now.....
  13. Me too! I was thinking water balloons wrapped around a wheel rim. Consider me disappointed as well.
  14. Heyyy! For once a non-idiotic suggestion in the suggestions thread! I never even considered the idea of inventories, but if we are apparently going to be able to mine resources/fix ships in vanilla, this makes sense. Carrying around a few tools would be neat. My only issue is a personal one based on my ever advancing age and ever decreasing memory...."Hey Jeb, we're up here at the satellite we're supposed to fix, did you bring the wrench? Uh....whoops, left it on my desk at KSC! *facepalm*" Sure opens up a lot of possibilities for repairing/making things off-Kerbin though. I like it.
  15. ^^This^^ I'm very confused...are these ships? Are they massive drop tanks? What do they do? How many crew do they carry? Why are some of them parked in downtown Tokyo? Ooooh my head...
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