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Posts posted by Hillstache

  1. Welcome!

    My advice would be to watch the G forces as your fuel runs out in your stages. Somewhere around 3-5 G's depending your rockets can start to thrust through the fuel tanks. I throttle to keep the G's at about 2.

    My main heavy lifter has some crazy TWR variations, at various parts of my orbital burn it has anywhere from .8 to 6 TWR. So I'm not very consistent there either!

  2. In .16 there was a bug with the way the fuel flow rate was calculated, so if you were not at full thrust it was underflowing the fuel. That could be one of your issues.

    For the planes, have you tried loading any of the supplied planes? Maybe work on flying them, then modifying them to suit your ideas.

    When your rocket explodes during launch the most likely culprit is too much thrust. As the rocket burns it's fuel off the thrust to weight ratio goes up. One way you can keep an eye on how hard it's thrusting is to check the G meter to the right of the nav ball. I try to keep it under 3 and thus avoid pretty explosions.

    Happy flying, and welcome!

  3. Higher orbit? Did you miss the part where you are supposed to launch with a 270º heading (180º inc.) when going to inner planets? unlike outer planets, the ejection angle is relative to Kerbin's retrograde.

    (You must orbit clockwise around Kerbin. Pack extra power because you'll be going against Kerbin rotational boost.)

    Good advice, I found the 270 degree launch to Eve worked very well.

  4. Thanks for the tips! I love the new seperatron motors, I've been working on an ejection system for my spaceplanes that uses them to jet away the capsule so it can parachute to safety.

    The way I used to do rocket assisted takeoffs before was to have a stage that you can drop after takeoff, I found the aerospike engine paired with a small regular fuel tank (FL-T200) ran out just after takeoff and provided a massive amount of extra thrust for large planes.

  5. Edit: about Gilly, i had the same problem, my ship just went boom (and Bill too, then i quickloaded to try with a ship...) after sinking up to the capsule... also, i got this surprise when i entered gilly's SoI...:


    I had similar issues with Gilly, I made a video!

    I also landed on Duna, I was going to attempt a powered landing but a mountain jumped up in front of me and I had to drop that stage and go for parachutes:



  6. I'd first like to say how impressed I am with .17. It's everything I hoped for and more.

    For .18 I think I would most like to see docking, although getting by with transferring crew between vehicles works pretty well for me. Other than that I'm looking forward to more IVA related content (moving around in ships etc), more planets/moons/asteroids, and maybe more things to do once we're landed in fun places.

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