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Everything posted by syfyguy64

  1. Or we could, you know, just call them asexual, and add female names to show that it doesn't matter.
  2. If you silence any dissent with "Some people are offended," then no one would be allowed to speak publicly at all. Being offended is human, and pandering to people who [take offense] whenever you say the word manned is something that Squad has yet to do, which is probably the best thing they've done behind making this game.
  3. Unless Kethane does it better, and then they cross it off as it's available to us.
  4. I always thought kerbals where asexual, as they all had Kerman as their last name.
  5. Orbit isn't safe. I must go deeper. Space engineers has a community that hasn't fallen into the left? Also, there are two sexes, and a stereotype for each. Stereotypes are not bad, and shaped our culture today, which isn't bad, or good, but is what it is. And frankyl, I don't mind it. It's nice to be part of a culture that is still based on competition, as it is only human in nature.
  6. Sneak in some stabilizers by clipping them in between fuel tanks.
  7. If it is used in making ships that look astetically pleasing while still serving a function, it's not cheating. Especially since the collisions are just a tiny bit off.
  8. Wait, is that little node on front 2.5 meters? Jesus H. Christ, this thing is huge.
  9. Could you make a Horten? I'm very curious how the engines would work on that.
  10. I have unmodded install, but had FAR in .23 and a few other versions, but I don't know if that would effect this. But is anyone else having this issue, and how can I fix it with out opening a folder and messing things up with my technical illiteracy?
  11. Does it break the launch pad like the other launcher? Is there a way to fix that?
  12. This was my apollo-like craft, which had a lander inside. I did do the whole landing deal, so it was good. I'm not going for replicas anyways, just doing the challenge my way. Right now, I'm using the main part for station lifting. Here's the Apollo lander.
  13. I honestly don't care about the complex code, just inserting the models seems trivial to Squad. It's like they put in models where they think they should be, but never check (See destroyed runway/administration collide), they just hope it works and know one notices.
  14. All you added was a model and short animation to the buildings if something hits it, parts that already existed, and was only a matter of dragging the files to the KSP folder, and also the administration building (Which to be fair, should take half a year to tweak). But why are the models for the new building wonky? Why does the destroyed runway allow a small rover to fit snug underneath with room for a Kerbal on top? Why are resources never coming? Why did this take so long? This game is in alpha, not regular access, not beta, alpha. Bugs are prone. You should fix them, but also get rid of experimental tests. Give it to us, not someone who signed something saying you'll give them the report. It's like you guys don't even know about the very forum section you made for bugs, and how to treat them. I paid for this game to get a game that is fun to play, and constantly updated. Not a game that's fun for 5 hours and updated two/three times a year. Also, stop forcing Mod packs down our throat. I don't want FASA or RSS or FAR, I want KSP fixed. You guys are hired by us, in a way, to do your job, which is to fix the damned game, and make it better. If it really is hard to make updates, then tell us. Tell us exactly what your doing, and issues your having. Perhaps my eyes will open, if they aren't already. But also consider this as an eye opener, because this update is the most depressing update released. No fun in it except new plane parts and updated model (That doesn't have the interior yet, even though it's based on the old one, and is only a matter of pushing internals in). At the very least release a bug update once a week, and maybe a fairing, or internal once a month, along with large updates at the normal pace. At least you'll seem busy, and that's all I want.
  15. If these kits get made, and portions of the profit is given to squad, will any work be done on the game, or will they wait another 6 months before adding 5 parts and some bugfixes?
  16. I'm still in my early learning curve, even though I've played since 13.3. I cannot get into orbit effeciently still. I never use mechjeb, but I never can learn. All I do is point up, press space, turn towards 80 at 15k meters, continue turning towards 50 by 60k, and stage when needed. I manage, but only with giant rockets, and not the three part mun landers some people make. Should I use mechjeb to master the game, or keep bugging around with rockets?
  17. I strapped a bunch of boosters on my ship just for lulz, maybe 20 or 30, and launched straight up. This thing went really high, past the mun, and apparently Duna was in just the right spot, and I was heading straight for one of it's poles. I was amazed, got ready, took Jeb out, and landed via EVA. tl;dr- I landed on Duna with only one stage SRBs.
  18. More wing types would be amazing. I don't like the angled wing, it seems too thin and weak, but the straight one is just... Odd on a passenger plane.
  19. Is Kerbin at a constant -5 Degrees fahrenheit, and just gets colder until roughly 20km above, where contrails disappear? Or are the engines really effecient rockets that only burn in the atmosphere, and have no flames? If not, then I hope it gets changed. Maybe replace it with a subtle blue glow that goes out a foot or so, like real jets. Contrails would be nice to have appear maybe 20 meters back from the plane at altitudes above 10km, so I can buzz the tower without smoke obscuring my rear.
  20. Well, Kerbol looked a lot better, more blinding, less ball like. But performance was horrible, and I had a toaster, so the launch vehicle for this was very resource intensive (For me, at least). Also, struts where pretty much a requirement, with a 50% safety rating.
  21. -snip- Space Port was fine and dandy, few problems, no real big ones that break it. Why'd you guys switch? And why Curse? Why not use KerbalStuff if you can't handle spaceport anymore. Also, could you cite all this information? I don't believe Curse has been better than space port. Especially since the Curse layout is covered in ad's and ad space, obscuring every inch of the background. Curse is literally an Advertising site for Ads, with the forums and mod's just there to get traffic.
  22. I'd rather have more launch sites on Kerbin than planets. Like being able to launch from KSC 2, or maybe a polar cap launch site, one that would make polar orbits easy.
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