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Everything posted by mezakin

  1. Have you got chrome to translate? If your doing this, can you let us know your paypal as well as the total in pesos (assuming thats the currency being used)
  2. I think the better option is for someone to volunteer, get a price range by making a mock-menu, including finding a dominos voucher (they are easy to find in google) then if they are willing, post their pay-pay details
  3. Hey, Ive been stalking this thread for a while. I often read but dont ever post. (Check My profile. Been a member for a while with 0 posts) Just to point out, its a great Idea the pizza thing, but in order to spread costs, would someone be willing to sort something out like Paypal donations to the cause? You could even order multiple orders from the same place or different takeaways. Just a thought by the way as to help with the too many pizzas cost too much problem. *Hanging in the back of the HypeTrain btw since departure. Side note. Your all awesome but also b******s!!! Im meant to be working but keep getting distracted with UBER comments making me laugh and smile. Edit: Ninja'd
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