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Everything posted by medsouz

  1. You brought back the Planet Factory planets, you didn't do anything involving Planet Factory itself.
  2. Its part of KSP's code, PlanetFactory doesn't support it.
  3. There is a boolean for every CelestialBody called "isHomeWorld", this is probably still set to true in all kerbin based planets.
  4. ...crap It tries to check for upgrades in the custom sites and breaks the whole upgrade module, I'll see what I can do.
  5. I just updated KerbalKonstructs for KSP 0.90. You can download 0.6.6 on KerbalStuff Now I can finally play Elite: Dangerous.
  6. @AlphaAsh Let me know if you want any help moving to 0.90 or if you want me to throw something together for the plugin. I've been devoting the free time I have to StarSystems but I haven't forgotten about this.
  7. I just released StarSystems 0.7 on KerbalStuff CHANGELOG Update for KSP 0.90 Black hole visuals are now configurable
  8. His title is misleading, he is just recreating Planet Factory planets in Kopernicus.
  9. Kopernicus and StarSystems are incompatible at the moment. I haven't found a fix yet.
  10. Version 0.6 is released on KerbalStuff Changelog The Kerbol system is no longer hardcoded. Fixed GameFixer launching the first vessel launched in a game into interstellar space. Cleaned up some unused values from system.cfg I'm pretty sure I fixed all known bugs with this release, try to break it EDIT: Time is really messed up in the space center scene but that isn't game breaking so we can ignore it for now
  11. https://github.com/ducakar/TextureReplacer/releases/tag/v2.0.2
  12. The config is packaged in Starsystems/Config/MM_PlanetFactory_Example.cfg but it could go anywhere in GameData.
  13. You can modify the example planetfactory confi and change the planet names. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/medsouz/StarSystems/master/GameData/StarSystems/Config/MM_PlanetFactory_Example.cfg
  14. I'm pretty sure I just fixed vessels being launched into LKO, v0.5 is now on Kerbal Stuff
  15. I wrote a guide, I tried to keep it as simple as possible but if anything confuses anyone please let me know. Guide
  16. I'm not saying you can't keep working on the mod, what I'm trying to say is if you add star colors this way you will have better compatibility with other mods.
  17. You should use ModuleManager patches to add to the config. That way users can install multiple star system packs without them overwriting each other.
  18. I just released v0.4 of my StarSystems fork. I added the ability to add star colors through configs so that you no longer have to modify the plugin. I recommend you take advantage of this new feature, if you need any help let me know.
  19. I just released v0.4 on KerbalStuff What is new? Star colors are now defined in systems.cfg. This should allow people to add more colors without having to change the plugin source. Example ModuleManager patch: @KSPSystem { @StarColors { StarColor { name = Blue LightColor = 0.0,0.15,0.6,1.0 EmitColor0 = 0.357,0.588,0.405,1.0 EmitColor1 = 0.139,0.061,1.0,1.0 SunspotColor = 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 RimColor = 0.388,0.636,1.0,1.0 CoronaTexture = path/to/corona/texture } } }
  20. [EXC 14:21:35.982] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Vessel.CheckGroundCollision () Vessel.GoOffRails () OrbitPhysicsManager.LateUpdate () Apparently the launching code couldn't find Kerbin, strange...
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