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Everything posted by johnb210

  1. I just found out about the fuel bug, and between that and the demo version I'm pretty sure I just "cheated" my way into orbit! But that's ok, now when I get home I can try it with the full game, and trying a Mun landing should keep me busy for quite a while. Thanks all! John
  2. Hello everyone! I read the XKCD comic this morning, then promptly spent several hours (attempting to) launch rockets! However, I have a question about everybody's first experience - did I just get lucky, or is it not too difficult to get orbital flight? I'm certainly not trying to brag, but upon launching the game, I skipped the tutorials and created a basic single engine practice rocket. The Parrot MkI didn't launch, so I strapped on two SRB's, and got my first successful launch! Then I took off the SRB's and put my Parrot MkI on top of a cluster of 5 liquid rockets, and thew in an ASAS, and on the next launch I got a 2million meter ballistic launch! Obviously I needed a little more horizontal velocity, so after 3 more test launches, guessing my manual trim on how much the space shuttle seemed to transition to horizontal during launch, I achieved a stable 200-400km orbit! And I still have enough gas for a deorbit burn, although my 3 kerbonauts are currently still orbiting for endurance testing, I think we'll leave them up until they tell us they're getting hungry :-) Granted this was all with the demo, wanted to check that out, but now that I've had my fun I'm going to buy the full version when I get home. Thanks to Randall for pointing this out! John
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