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Everything posted by crooks4hire

  1. Happens to me too. I've tried pushing the envelope using single engines. They heat up quickly, but they tend to hover just on the brink of exploding; never crossing the threshold...
  2. As far as copyrights are concerned, it is illegal to copy the work for redistribution. To my understanding, it is not illegal to derive a mod from ISAMapSat (the idea, not the source code). Just because Innsewerants developed the first mapping mod for KSP doesn't mean another modder can't develop his own mapping mod...
  3. Just to clarify, B9 is on the latest KSP Weekly apologizing for missing the last one. (8/13)
  4. Been playtesting for a week and a half. The anticipation of RT2's release is already rustling my jimmies...
  5. mike88cab, Bac9 works for SQUAD now if you didn't know. He's the one that updated the space center buildings.
  6. I just started playtesting RT2 and I haven't had time to explore it much (currently at work x.x). I believe I read this earlier but can't find it... Do the stock probe cores count as spu's?
  7. A thousand times this. Lol. The DCPU is going to add a whole new level of probe-immersion. You won't have to sit and wait for your probe to come back into communication to do stuff. You could write entire missions while it's on the other side of the Mun!!
  8. One more question lol. Is IR included in the Magic Smoke docking washer download or do I need to download it separately from github?
  9. Derp, I'm sorry. Lazy and didn't read back very far... Don't get me wrong though, I'm not picking on anybody. I just think the negative reaction to the DCPU was a bit of kneejerk panic.
  10. It kinda seems like people fussing about the programming and time-delay features are misinterpreting this mod. RemoteTech is intended to add some realism to unmanned missions. The biggest realistic issue with an unmanned mission is the delay between command inputs and probe execution and overcoming this issue via communications arrays/relays. You're not going to be required to rewrite an operating system to get your rover to drive the next few kilometers. The programming that some people fear could be as simple as: send.throttle_up25.pro.10000; which, in probe-language means increase throttle to 25%, point attitude prograde, hold for 10sec(10,000ms), shutdown I doubt very highly you will require any prior knowledge of coding to manage RT2 programming. As for sending a manned mission to complete an unmanned mission (ie: we'll need kerbals in Low-Duna orbit to manage rovers on the surface effectively). This is simply to decrease the time-delay effect. If you think you can't manage to control a Duna surface rover from Kerbin, send some kerbals closer to bridge the time-gap. It's not required. It's just more convenient...
  11. [strikethrough]Dunno what the problem is. Fresh install of R3.3 on a fresh .21 save and all of my control surfaces freak out...[/strikethrough] I think I may have just been overdoing it with control surfaces lol. Was using the largest ones on a very small .craft. I downsized and it's running like a dream.
  12. I read back a few pages and couldn't see anything about it. Is the SAS updated or not? Mine still flaps about like crazy...
  13. I haven't tested RT2 out yet, but in RT1 this was possible by aiming the probe's dish at the orbital body instead of at a particular commsat. In your case, target Kerbin with the probe's dish and it will automatically receive signal from the appropriate geosynchronous sats.
  14. The scenarios are stored in the scenario tab below the Tutorials in the main menu. They maintain an internal save and you have the option to continue or restart when you select the scenario. There are currently 4 stock scenarios.
  15. I think Romfarer's Lazor plugin may bend the rules slightly. At the KSC screen (the one with all the buildings) I have the option to load at different distances. Up to 100km I believe, maybe more. Just sayin' it's worth looking into..
  16. I no longer have the option to pull up the mapsat gui. The button is nonexistent and I can't right-click the dish either.
  17. OMG, how could I forget NovaPunch x.x That's the last mod I had before .20 lol
  18. Please tell me where you got those lander legs...I can't find them anywhere x.x
  19. Just an FYI, all of the B9 Aerospace ladders caused the "hook falls off when winch is used" bug for me as well. However, the fuselage parts don't seem to do so...
  20. Is it normal for the cargo-bay doors to be open while on the launchpad? If so, is there a way to alter the code so that they remain open in the VAB but load up closed on the pad?
  21. Just tried that out. I added the RT sas unit. I can maneuver manually, but mechjeb won't change my attitude. Also, when I command my dish to point toward something (Mun for example) it doesn't move... Gettin there slowly but surely and thanks a lot for the help Punk!
  22. Derp didn't see that haha. Thanks! I'm having a bit of trouble....not sure what's causing it. I'm trying to get my first satellite into orbit. To do so, I fly up a manned craft and deploy a satellite (via a mechanical decoupler courtesy of MMI). The sat has an RC module, liquid fuel, mechjeb, a 50mil dish and some RCS and solar panels. Once deployed...I can't maneuver it I can activate the RCS, actuate the panels, but nothing happens when I try to pitch/roll/yaw. I've downloaded 3.5.2 to no avail. Edit:Also, I'm in kerbo-stationary orbit at 2868km and the comms status shows that I'm connected to KSC and the blue line is shown in map view...just in case that info is needed.
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