Kerbal Space Station Status: 16 planned, population 3, capacity 3 KSS Expedition 1: Ship: Columbia 2 Jebediah Kerman --- KSS Commander Jorrie Kerman --- KSS Scientist Jerford Kerman --- KSS Engineer (Bill and Bob are not dead --- they are standing near the runway...) Current Status: Docked to KSS Point reward: KASA 9.45 points so far, KLA 11.55 points so far. Total Points: KASA: 99.95 points so far, KLA 97.05 points so far. Persistent: Screenshots over the course of the mission: (WARNING: MANY PICTURES!) It's another great day in KSC, and we are gonna launch the first KSS expedition toward the well... KSS! Don't worry, Bill and Bob are safe. They are watching as Jeb and his crew, Jorrie and Jerford, ride the rocket to the Kerbal Space Station. Can you tell which one is which? Alight, 3, 2, 1, and LIFTOFF OF COLUMBIA 2, CARRYING THE FIRST EXPEDITION OF KSS INTO KSS! (MC's note: Hey, I installed Romfarer Lazor's mod, so it would appear like the launch clamp exploding.) Oh god, I overshot from the launch profile! Oh well, no pressure. And we've reached orbit! (Technically it is a return orbit...) Later, during the docking operation... (MC's note: Hey, I'm not that good at rendezvous, but...) Easy does it... Easy, and... And we have docked! (MC's note from the last parenthesis: ... but I'm fine at docking!) After the crew transfer... That's it for now. Good luck with the future mission, and...