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Everything posted by Conte_Vincero

  1. Yeah they were an attempt to make it take off with a shorter run, but removing most of them, and the two outrigger engines worked!!!! (more or less), but the engines ceased to work properly once I left the lower atmosphere, so is it not possible to attain orbit with a ramjet (also I'm assuming that they will be updated as I can take off with them which is physically impossible). Thanks a Ton for the help so far, and I will now attempt to complete the first ever orbital biplane
  2. Yeah I'm using that and it stabilises the aircraft, but after I de-activate it in order to make a course correction, my aircraft becomes uncontrolable. It tends to roll rather than pitch, but it does both far to easily. I will have a look at stalling, but it's not exibiting the classic jerk charactaristics you would normally associate with a stall
  3. Just general flailing, although it does roll far easier than it pitches, but it does both far to easily
  4. Also I am a final year mechanical engineering student so I know what drag is
  5. Heya, I've been trying to build spaceplanes for a while, but have always been thwarted by one simple bug, stability. Pretty much every spaceplane just flails around wildly as soon as it gets airborne, and although activating SAS steadies it, I can't control it for long enough to make any sensible course corrections. I haven't done the calculations, but this doesn't seem to be a simple CoG CoL problem. Does anyone have any idea why this might be? Secondly engines, what is the purpose of the intakes, narcelles and engines. As far as I can tell it makes little to know difference what engine you fit with which narcelle. Ramjets shouldn't work on the ground and yet they do, how is this possible??? I would be delighted if anyone could help me, I'm not looking for tutorials, just an explanation of why some designs work and others don't.
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