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Everything posted by Steel

  1. The way I see it, if both theories predict the same results in all cases then they are almost certainly the same underlying theory with a different interpretation over the top (see quantum mechanics) Unless anyone has any examples that show otherwise?
  2. Ah OK, there's an interesting description of what is theorised to have happened to the Galileo probe as it went into Jupiter on its Wikipedia page which might help with that. TL;DR: it gets essentially atomised on the way down
  3. Not long at all, and it would be crushed well before it reached the core even if it did have a heat shield.
  4. Unless your definition of "mass production" is chains of ~6000 atoms that are still invisible to the naked eye then we still have some way to go. Also note that much larger structures of graphene are required for the stable production of these carbyne chains
  5. "On October 7, 2012 a Merlin 1C (Engine No. 1) of the CRS-1 mission experienced an anomaly at T+00:01:20 which appears on CRS-1 launch video as a flash" from the Wikipedia article on the Merlin family.
  6. Well I can see a few problems, first of which is that it relies on a unification theory that may not even turn out to exist. Secondly these exotic particles that are needed likely only exist on their own for tiny fractions of nanoseconds as a result of high energy collisions and are thus probably not a reliable source of catalysis for this reaction, and probably also rule out your "no advance containers" advantage
  7. Oh yeah definitely! What I said before was just the engine, I can't see the actual Skylon SSTO (in whatever form it ends up taking) flying for decades.
  8. It may be that all the other parts are much better understood, but in any project like this the systems integration will take a considerable amount of time. It may be that they can put together an engine and test it and it will be fine, but I will reserve judgement until they do it, but by the look of things it'll be 5-10 years until then.
  9. I believe that's the precooler demonstration. That's the only part that has been actually built and tested so far.
  10. Yeah... That's not a SABRE engine, that's the jet engine from a Sabre aircraft.
  11. Not quite, those work by rotating and generating force, these proposed "turbines" apparently work by vibrating due to wrong vortices and converting this motion into energy with a linear generator similar to in a wave generator.
  12. Let's bear in mind that Jupiter has several thousand (if not many times more) trojan asteroids in it's orbit, but no-one argues that it's not a planet or that it hasn't cleared it's neighborhood. EDIT: this image shows the situation with Jupiter quite well, with 6,178 trojans found as of Jan 2015 according to the article
  13. True, but current estimates put Planet 9 2-5 times further out at perihelion than Sedna, and the best picture we have of Sedna (as far as I can tell) is this from wikipedia
  14. Also bear in mind that time dilation doesn't change time for the observer falling into the black hole, just how an external observer perceives the faller experiencing time. So time doesn't stop for anyone.
  15. Not a huge amount for the observer falling towards the centre, they experience no unphysical effects other than being very quickly killed, as From Wikipedia. All that happens is that you lose any ability to influence the rest of the universe in any way. You cannot dilate time to a complete stop, as this would mean that in that frame of reference the laws of physics would not apply, which violates the fact that the laws of physics are the same in all reference frames.
  16. Yes, by definition light cannot escape and so we cannot get information from inside the event horizon. The thing about gravitational time dilation is true to a point, but it's all to do with reference frames, so time will never completely stop for any reference frame unless they all stop
  17. Not quite. Time doesn't stop for someone crossing the event horizon, however for an outside observer they see the person falling towards the horizon seem to slow to a stop just outside the boundary. However time carries on for both of these observers.
  18. No, but in this scenario we are assuming that he is magically able to exist as normal even though time has stopped
  19. Well my first thing would be that if photons don't move then the electromagnetic force that governs all interaction between matter that we percieve stops and so everything stops being objects and reverts to being masses of clumped but non-interacting atoms. Thus anyone who could magically still experience time in a state where time has stopped wouldn't be able to interact with anything at all. But again these conversations are always a bit pointless because it's asking what would happen to the laws of physics if you introduce a system that doesn't obey them anyway.
  20. I would suggest that the probabilities of an interaction that resulted in a wide binary rather than two disassociated stars would be rare enough that some other possibilities would be considerably more likely
  21. Except the authors are saying that due to it being a wide binary (I.e fairly distant from each other) the system would be too fragile for an international like that. But other mechanisms to cause it to leave one galaxy and come through ours would be valid, as would a large dark matter halo
  22. I especially enjoy when the hacking involves some fancy 3d graphical interface like it was a game rather than someone just sitting at a command line
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