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Ben Kerman

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Everything posted by Ben Kerman

  1. No, as far as I know it gets randomly generated.
  2. It's pretty efficient, but for orbital maneuvers always use the LV-N, as said above. The thrust at full throttle is always the same as in the part description. Iirc ISP is modeled differently in KSP than in real life, so that might be what you mean. To change to answered, just edit your post, does that work?
  3. Every mouse that was created in the last 15 years (and probably even earlier) has a MMB.
  4. First off, it's 0.20 and not 0.2. 0.2 was way before the first public release (which was 0.7 or something like that) As to your questions: When you decouple, struts connecting the remaining and decoupled parts of the vessel will disappear (apart from the end/beginning markers). €: Using many struts is always a good idea, but don't over-use, otherwise your rockets will just look ugly. As far as I know, no they don't have any impact on stability, they're just for the looks. Right click on the decoupler. Generally you can say: If you don't know how a part works, just right click, that makes most things work. It is possible, but SSTOs (Single Stage To Orbit, in case you didn't know) are considered the hardest thing to do by many players, especially when they have to go beyond LKO. Doesn't mean it's impossible, though. €²: As for the not lifting off thing, have you matched your Center of Mass and Center of Lift? And do you have enough engine power and lift for take-off? Also, the aerodynamics of KSP are crap, though that will get fixed in the nearish future.
  5. Is it possible for you to make an updated version of all the parts that were implemented to stock and thus removed? I used all of them in my still ongoing missions, and since the meshes of several parts aren't the same replacing them through savefile editing won't work.
  6. Why does almost everyone say you "die and another person continues to live your life"? As far as science knows, you probably wouldn't even notice the transport, if you were reassembled exactly as you were before the transport.
  7. I just performed a docking with two rovers, and it worked perfectly. As said above, don't put them on backwards, you can easily tell if you're looking at the docking side because of the small hollow. You were right. From my ground tests I got the impression you have to be really careful when lining up and come in at a very, very low speed.
  8. Here are some things to improve: Replace the Mainsail on your orbital stage with some side-mounted LV-Ns, the difference in ÃŽâ€V (available change in velocity) should be quite amazing. The amount fuel is absolutely overkill, a good pilot using efficient engines can land on the mun from orbit and return to Kerbin with maybe 1000 units of fuel (just a guessed number, haven't done any actual testing). Try putting everything on more symmetrical, having wings off-center doesn't really help. The RCS of each stage should be top/middle/bottom not middle/middle/middle. Really only a cosmetical thing, but turn symmetry off when placing ladders. Also replace the lander's egine with two side-mounted LV-Ns, some people say that this isn't very efficient, but I seem to get way more ÃŽâ€V when doing it that way. Edit: Use the AV-R8 winglets, the Delta-Deluxe winglets don't give you as much control (but more lift for compensation). Hope this helped a bit.
  9. Yes, you can do that, so for example just copy a quicksave file of the start of your mission. If you now quicksaved at a bad time and decide to replace the bad quicksave file in your world folder with your backup and quickload, it will be at the start of your mission again. You also can (at least) replace persistent.sfs files with quicksaves, it might be missing information the other way around.
  10. Since the OP says he's German and i'm too, I will write my new advices (and the ones I probably missed when skimming the thread ) in German. ----- Versuche während des Starts immer zuerst auf 75-80 km Ap zu gehen, das gibt dir mehr Spielraum wenn du die Triebwerke zu lange anlässt. Für's spätere Spiel ist eine niedrige Umlaufbahn auch bei interplanetaren Manövern effizienter (sagt zumindestens Scott Manley, und der sollte es als Astrophysiker ja wissen). Wenn die Prograde-Markierung nach der 45°-Neigung über deine Ausrichtung hinausgeht, richte dich neu nach Prograde aus, das ist effizienter. Dazu schalte die Pro-/Retrograde-Anzeige auf 20-25 km Höhe von "Surface" auf "Orbital" um, einfach auf die Geschwindigkeitsanzeige über dem Navball klicken (sobald man im Weltraum ist geht das automatisch). Sonst berechnet KSP die Drehung des Planeten immer mit ein. Es ist am effizientesten immer nur wenn du sehr nah an Ap/Pe dran bist die Größe der Umlaufbahn zu verändern (außer bei Neigungsänderungen). Wenn der Ap/Pe-Marker beim Manöver von deinem Schiff "wegrennt" unterbreche das Manöver und warpe zur Ap/Pe, sonst kann es die Umlaufbahn ziemlich verformen (das ist wahrscheinlich dein Problem mit der elliptischen Umlaufbahn). Ist jetzt so das einzige was mir noch eingefallen ist oder was ich in den Vorherigen Posts übersehen habe. Ich hoffe es ist verständlich, die meisten Fachbegriffe konnte ich nicht so gut übersetzen.
  11. You do know the resources system got pushed back recently?
  12. Iirc (haven't really played any KSP for several month) you still can throttle down/cut throttle using X when your space craft is dead, or am I not recalling that right? ----- Anyway, my most dull moment was the ion burn I performed without the dynamic timewarp mod.
  13. He probably means that you should differentiate between Earth (as you know, the planet you are sitting on right now) and Kerbin (the planet you crash most kerbals on).
  14. You can't, the .cfg file only sets a part's properties like weight, part type(s), sounds etc. If you want to change it's color you, as stated above, need to change it's texture, which is located in the parts folder as a .png or .mbm file. The .mbm can be edited, but it is really hard. Iirc there was a guide on that somewhere on the forums (might have been deleted during the forum crash last month, though).
  15. Maybe somebody already has done an update to the MMI Satellite pack, search for it.
  16. Looks like it's still using the old part syntax, if you are using a stock or already updated fuel tank it will not work.
  17. It is probably missing a plugin or something?
  18. Ok, didn't read that part of the OP's post. Back to topic: Kerbal Attachment System ISA MapSat (it's outdated, so it might not work on KSP 19.1) Kethane Pack
  19. Imo, NovaPunch is just a giant mess of parts that have the same purpose as stock parts, I hated it when I tried it.
  20. Watch this video, it's basically just what I would recommend everyone to get (though I always replace MechJeb with Kerbal Engineer Redux):
  21. Most stuff like version releases and patchnotes gets published right here on the forums in form of articles or blog posts. The shown altitude is only the Average Surface Level or sea level (depending on whether or not the planet/moon has an ocean). In case you haven't figured out yet, always fit your night side landers with lights (and lots of batteries).
  22. I have landed on the Mun, Minmus and even moons outside the Kerbin system many times, but I didn't really make screenshots of it, so here is the last screenshot of a Mun landing I had laying around (0.17): And a more recent Minmus landing (0.18), including a system check on an old probe (the first probe I ever made, actually):
  23. Do you really think no one has figured out the ÃŽâ€V needed for an Eve ascent yet? Apart from that I don't get what you are trying say, sorry.
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