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Everything posted by Brenok

  1. Right there, on the bottom of page 5: the first request for fairings, almost two years ago
  2. And no need to Google Translate, he is mexican himself, like the developers
  3. Er... the kerbal analog of Europa is Vall...
  4. Yes, it does. If you're in a fastly rotating pod in vacuum, hitting "t" will stop it almost immediatly.
  5. A monolith? (I guess it was sort of a rethorical question, but it doesn't hurt to answer)
  6. I named my first landing site "Jebediah Kerman" and use modified famous names or others (Isaac Kerman, Johannes Kerman, Galileo Kerman...) Do you have any convention?
  7. That definitely looks like a leek. And Welsh Onions, despite the name, are not Welsh. The traditional vegetable of Wales is the leek Leek Welsh Onion
  8. Some things to consider: 1- Really, really be sure that there are struts connecting things, specially when building radially. I usually use the radial decoupler together with struts, because the default connections are very weak. 2- What exactly is the size of the spacecraft you're trying to launch? Pictures would be useful. 3- This: The aerodynamics are pretty much broken on this stage of the game, and shuttles are not very recommended.
  9. Do you really need that much fuel lines? What are you trying to do? Maybe you should try this variation of Aspargus:
  10. Is this thread to discuss your space station or to post our own recently built ones? If it's the latter, here is my proudly recent inaugurated station: All of these solar panels are decorative, as currently there are no devices that need electricity on the Station.
  11. It's entirely possible to flight to the Mun using the Stock "Kerbal X" rocket, altought it takes some practice.
  12. Strapping more SRBs Cleaning backyard Reticulating splines
  13. I believe it took a few hours. Used some extremely over-powered rockets to just get in orbit, but did it. Mun landing came about three days after. The hardest part was the landing itself, I think I crashed it four times before succeding.
  14. Used the Default flags with some Wiki images.
  15. Physics Bachelor Student. Not much to say
  16. The fact that the game is alpha means the testers are us. I believe there are enough.
  17. o_o ... the first thing I modeled was probably a cube... or maybe a simple wine glass or something.
  18. And their names. Which are also a cultural construct, anyway.
  19. My first flag! The landing didn't go very well, but this doesn't take the greatness away:
  20. Of course. It's called Universal Serial Bus for a motive.
  21. Every technology in KSP is based on real life, including the sci-fi looking Nuclear Engine.
  22. You're assuming a super-advanced civilization can't bother to do a decent detection system. It's like if you sent a US carrier to investigate a subsaharian tribe and all of a sudden they can make nuclear weapons based on the carrier reactor and destroy the United States. It sounds ridiculous. Edit: one more thing: the problem with the body metaphore is that on a large scale, a immune system would probably more efficient. The antibodies in our blood are mere proteins with no consciousness. An advanced spaceship would probably have artificial intelligence, or commanded by robots with artificial intelligence and/or biological beings.
  23. It will slow your brain down from an outsider perspective. To you, it will look like everything around you is slower.
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