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Everything posted by CptAsian

  1. I just watched that. Hilarious.
  2. Looks awesome! I'm getting the .craft. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the help. The new update is incredible.
  4. That avenger looks pretty sweet. Once I get 0.17 up and running, I'll try it out!
  5. Hey, CptAsian here. So, I guess I'll start out by sharing how I found out about Kerbal Space Program. I found out about KSP by watching some video that my friend sent me about some guy, many of you may have heard of him, by the YouTube channel name of "kurtjmac". I watched part of one of his KSP videos, and I enjoyed it, and so I watched his whole series. I play on a Mac, and was very happy to discover that KSP is available for Mac, unlike what feels like every single other game on the planet. Anyhow, I played and really enjoyed the demo, so I bought the game and have been playing it a bit for a month or so. I never bothered to make an account on the forums, but here I am. One quick question I might add here: Has anyone else gotten KSP 0.17 on a Mac? The download seems to be very different from the 0.16, and I can't seem to find the game itself. I'll look again, just to be sure that I'm not just being silly. Anyhow, I have to say that in-game, I'm much more entertained by the spaceplanes than the rockets. It's just me. I'd like to say that I'm about average at this game. Maybe a little below average, but I really enjoy it, so it's cool. Well, I guess that's all, so see you all on the forums, and happy launching!
  6. This is by far the best KSP video I've ever seen. Watched it some 5 times in a row.
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