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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Just bringing that up is all. I could even control the rotation which was interesting. It would rotate in one direction when not deployed, and the other when deployed. As for the atmosphere, I didn't have the dish opened. But somehow the drag from it was enough to cause my parachuting probe to list by about 5-10 degrees.
  2. I noticed an issue with one of the part's calculations I think. After I reinstalled FAR in the newest version, the Comms DTS-M1 communicator started giving me phantom rotation in space and extreme drag in atmosphere. You may want to have a look at that.
  3. The rail gun was made by himself. Personally I think it'd be awesome if he released it.
  4. That block of white that is being supported by the tracks is a mod, it basically acts like a launchpad, anywhere. That's why the launch clamps are attached to it, however, I'm questioning how that thing is still mobile. Whenever I put too much weight on those types of tracks, they seem to "bottom out" and fail to work.
  5. I installed it correctly, I watched what happened to see if I missed anything. For some reason the categories deleted themselves so all that was needed was a quick click-and-drag.
  6. I can't seem to save nor load any subs. I tried to save a sky-crane design but there were no categories to save it under, so it wouldn't let me, same goes for loading, how can I fix this? Do I make my own categories somehow or re-download?
  7. Is this still being worked on? It seems like it hasn't been touched since it was released...
  8. If we're counting from the bay where the doors aren't connected as No. 1, I like numbers 4 and 5! I think 4 would be great for rover bays.
  9. WHY HAVEN'T YOU RELEASED ANY OF THESE MAGNIFICENT TRACKS????????? You've got atleast two ready to go, gimme gimme gimme!!!
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