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Everything posted by Twreed87

  1. Not only would it be nice to have the text when you perform the experiment, but having the list of accomplishments in the R&D facility would be nice too. A list of where you've been and what you've done, even if you didn't NEED to do it.
  2. Maybe that's because NASA helped make them? Guys, there's a reason this is referred to as a special patch, and not just .24. It's a special project in conjunction with NASA, so yeah, it's gonna have a little bit of a NASA feel to it.
  3. I think you're grossly overestimating the power of the new engine. It's beefy, but it's not THAT beefy. Fuel amount for the largest 3.75m tank is only about twice that of the orange tank, the engine about double the thrust. It's nice, but it's not single stage to Eve, come on. Plus, this is still KSP. If lifting super heavy stations becomes easier, people are just going to build BIGGER STATIONS! And they'll do so with lower part count and less wobble.
  4. Yeah, I think "after the stream" just meant, like, not during or before. It'll be released after the stream, but probably by like a week or something.
  5. I know that the Falcon Heavy will be using propellant crossfeed, but does any rocket currently use anything like that? Anyone know?
  6. I'm definitely going to try out asparagus staging with 6 radial stages, but I'm hoping it'll be rare that it's necessary. This will allow heavy launch vehicles that just look nicer. More often I'll probably use a center 3.75m (or whatever) stack, with 6 or 8 radially attached 2.5m stacks in asparagus. It'll definitely be fun to play around with though, and I can't wait to see what I can get into orbit in a single go.
  7. Just chiming in, but I use MechJeb for boring, routine things that I just don't feel like going through the motions for. If I've got something I wanna test out in orbit, and I'm not worried about the launch, i'll auto-launch while I got make myself a sandwich, then come back and do the thing I wanna do. Plus there's all the information and data you can get from it, some of which I think should actually be stock. Knowing your vehicle weight, TWR, even deltaV, makes learning a lot easier.
  8. No one is arguing that. The problem is that when the ship turns, the direction of thrust changes. The solution you've proposed is not very efficient. You've got a stack of SAS modules nearly as tall as the fuel tank. The answer should probably be engines with higher gimbal range. Seems like something that would be nice to have anyways, for building shuttles and stuff.
  9. That's ridiculous. They never said they were gonna give an exact replica of the SLS. I'd love for you to pull that quote up. The purpose of the pack is to somewhat simulate the objective of capturing and redirecting an asteroid, they never said it was going to be a 100% simulation. I highly doubt the real plan involves a magic claw that just hooks onto any object. I suspect the only reasons we're even getting these larger parts is a) we'll need the increased power to pull it off and that new update to Unity physics allows more stable joints of that size. KSP is not about recreating real world vehicles. It offers up loads of generalized parts and lets you build what you want. You want specialized parts that fit together perfectly to a replica SLS, i'm sure there's a mod for it somewhere, but this update isn't about giving you that.
  10. Man, forget all the haters, the new parts look great. Finally a stock LES, and the new part sizes look great. I think so many people are just so used to all their favorite mods they don't like that the new stock stuff isn't exactly like it.
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