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  1. Can we have (permanent) altitude numbers on the AP and PE nodes? Planning re-entry trajectories is really tedious - adjust, click PE node to check, adjust, click, repeat ad nauseam...
  2. I've played a few hours of For Science! now, these would be my main frustrations regarding UI/UX: VAB: Loading/Saving of crafts is confusing as hell. But I think you know that already. CoM/CoT indicators are too imprecise. When designing asymmetrical craft, it's hard to align engines precisely under the center of mass. Make those textures crisp! Maneuver planning: when adjusting a maneuver node, let me see the orbital parameters of the resulting orbit. I'd like to know at least apoapsis, periapsis, inclination and orbital period of the new orbit - live and permanently visible, without having to hover or click any labels. we need! a maneuver node editor separate from the node gizmos. A text-based window that allows changing the node values over different orders of magnitude, like in KSP1. Map view: where's north? Maybe it's just me, but to make sense of the navball heading values, you have to know where 0 degrees north is pointing to. I found this surprisingly hard. target orbit ground track. When launching to intercept a craft in orbit, or to Minmus, I'd like to know when the launch site is "below" the target orbit, and what my launch heading should be. Right now I can only roughly eyeball it. A ground track projection would help a lot.
  3. For the record - that actually (sort of) worked. I removed the "USScience=true", the bay animation reference, the science wedge model block and the model parent reference. Then I removed the MM patch and manually set the TechRequired and category (although I probably could just have fixed the NEEDS name). For example, this is the Mag Boom config: PART { name = dmUSMagBoom module = Part author = DMagic MODEL { model = DMagicOrbitalScience/UniversalStorage/USProbeSci/modelMAG position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 rotation = 0, 180, 0 } rescaleFactor = 1.0 node_stack_back = 0.187, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 TechRequired = miniaturization entryCost = 6500 cost = 2200 category = Science subcategory = 0 title = Univ. Storage - Magnetometer Boom manufacturer = DMagic description = The magnetometer instruments are used to determine the magnitude and direction of planetary magnetic fields. The long boom separates these instruments from any interference caused by magnetic elements in the probe. Use in low to high orbit or on the surface. Not for use during atmospheric flight. Use with New Horizon's Universal Storage system. // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.05 bulkheadProfiles = wedge crashTolerance = 10 maxTemp = 2200 emissiveConstant = 0.95 thermalMassModifier = 4.0 tags = experiment research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science dmagic dmos universal wedge (mag field asteroid angularDrag = 1 dragModelType = default MODULE { name = ModuleResourceScanner MaxAbundanceAltitude = 60000 RequiresUnlock = True ScannerType = 0 ResourceName = Ore } MODULE { name = DMModuleScienceAnimate animationName = magBoom experimentID = magScan experimentAnimation = true experimentWaitForAnimation = true waitForAnimationTime = -1 keepDeployedMode = 2 deployingMessage = Close proximity to the craft scrambles the magnetometer's sensors, deploying the scanner now. customFailMessage = The magnetometer is not suitable for use during atmospheric flight, try again on the ground or in space. animSpeed = 2 endEventGUIName = Retract Magnetometer showEndEvent = false startEventGUIName = Deploy Magnetometer showStartEvent = false toggleEventGUIName = Toggle Magnetometer showToggleEvent = true showEditorEvents = true experimentActionName = Log Magnetometer Data resetActionName = Discard Magnetometer Data useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = False rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 dataIsCollectable = True collectActionName = Take Data interactionRange = 1.2 externalDeploy = True usageReqMaskExternal = 8 asteroidReports = True asteroidTypeDependent = True } MODULE { name = DMMagBoomModule runMagnetometer = True resourceToUse = ElectricCharge resourceCost = 0.05 } } With these changes, most experiments functioned again.I just can't get the 2HOT/PresMat experiment to work, no idea why.
  4. I have a few missions in flight pretty much built around the Universal Storage experiments - of course mated to a US2 core. :( Is there any way to "hot-fix" the mod to allow the experiments to run? I'm willing to do the leg-work, but I'll probably need a few pointers where to look - I'm completely new to KSP modding. Would it be enough to remove the "USScience = true" from the part config (and maybe remove the parent reference to the science wedge)?
  5. I have RT installed through CKAN. As of a few days ago, CKAN shows it as 1.1.3 compatible but doesn't offer 1.7.1 as an upgrade. I'm sure that could cause some confusion.
  6. Is Trajectories 1.1.3 compatible? It's one of the few mods in my install that (on CKAN) lists 1.1.2 as the supported version, preventing me from upgrading... and I wouldn't want to live without it!
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