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Everything posted by phoenix_ca

  1. Yes. And that's what it looks like. But the base (segment A) has a node deep inside it. When I try to attach the whole thing to something, its entire length clips through. Edit: Here. In the VAB: Extended: Sooo, what. Are you supposed to just surround it with girders to make it work?
  2. Alright. Telescopic pistons have me flummoxed. I think I built one right, but the wrong parts are moving. That is, the inner parts push down through what I'm sticking them on, not the black parts moving away. But hell, I don't even know if I built the damn thing right, and when I thought I got one (finally) right, when I saved it in a subassembly, the stack attach node that the game kept was the one inside the largest piston, not on the inner part of the smallest one... Does anyone have a picture of one that works? I think what's getting me confused is the placement of the stack attach nodes on the A segments, which seem to necessitate that the whole thing clip through whatever it attaches to.
  3. Just turn on part clipping. If it fits, it fits. If it doesn't...well you could leave it but it wouldn't look pretty. That said I'm pretty sure these need to be tweaked so they have an associated tech in the tree. They won't show-up in career mode.
  4. It probably looks a lot less crazy with fairings. O.o Anyway. This is close enough for me. Backed-up my main save and we'll see if I can actually get some things done now. Got some satellites to put up that simply wouldn't work without this. >.<
  5. For number 2, if he's going for quasi-realism, it'll be something more than just a setting for each planet. Most of the radiation in space actually comes from the sun and cosmic rays. The magnetic fields of planets can trap these energetic particles in Van Allen belts. These would likely be related somehow to the already-implemented magnetic flux used for AM collection; that's just a guess though.
  6. First of all, thanks. Didn't know those existed. @DrNuke: I assume those are yours? Might I suggest adding a short explanation about what is better for each axis? Specifically with regard to scientific notation. The negative exponents are actually quite hard to see (at least for me; I missed them the first time), and a naive observer might look at that and think bigger numbers = better, when in the case of the AM flux, the opposite is true. Getting that backward might make someone think the best place to get AM is Pol, when it's actually the worst. Just some thoughts after having looked at all those and thought "Pol is the best? No, that can't possibly be right. At all. No." Or maybe even using a legend that is absolute relative to every graph, so that it's even more apparent there is a huge difference between say Jool and Pol, where Jool would be pretty much the only place you'd see that dark red. That would make them a lot easier to read with respect to each other.
  7. Vapor, is that with the most recent version (0.14)? I suspect it is given your posts but you should specifically say which one you're using.
  8. It's github. There's a download zip button on the right hand side...
  9. Well that clears that up. It's difficult to tell because once a generator dumps EC out, it can fill piles and piles and piles of batteries pretty much instantaneously. O.O Well it kinda defeats the purpose of building it if it depends on using an antimatter reactor, no? ... What about SABRE engines? I haven't used the scoops before. I assume that "Hydrogen" is just KSPI renaming the in-game LiquidFuel resource to that, if the ElectricEnginePropellants.cfg is anything to go on. SABRE engines from B9 or the stock RAPIER might be self-sustaining in that environment. Maybe. And then you could (potentially) completely avoid the use of a heavy reactor as part of the design; just use batteries, or a very tiny reactor to keep the lights on.
  10. So do electric generators work by converting ThermalPower or ChargedParticles in a connected reactor part first to ElectricCharge, and once that's full, MegaJoules? That's what it looks like to me but I'd like to confirm.
  11. I think Haarlock likes the mod. Not sure, but I get that feeling. Edit: I need to stop reloading this page every 30 minutes.
  12. Well for one, we can't read your mind so you need to tell us which version of KSP you used and which version of IR you used. And I vaguely recall sirkut mentioning something about the toolbar disappearing-act being a very low priority right now, for the most current version, which is a beta and you shouldn't be touching it for anything but testing anyway.
  13. Best goddamn thing ever when building. It's fantastic to be able to remove whole mods worth of parts when you don't need them. I don't need to see my B9 parts when designing a rocket. And then limiting to size and bam. Usually I only have a single page of parts to look at. It's...it's...it's beautiful.
  14. A one-way converter would be nifty. Flick it on, override default behaviour of using excess EC only for MJ and instead dump all EC to MJ. Flick it off, it sits there and stares at you blankly. Could be helpful for solar power stations, definitely useful for mod interoperability with things like Near Future capacitors, and at the same time give users more feedback about what's happening, by associating a function/feature of the mod with a part. And there'd be no need for fudging. Or, less need for fudging maybe.
  15. Wow. That's...specific. I wonder what the heck is going on to cause that. O.o
  16. I wasn't suggesting you were. I didn't know until Fractal said something I was talking about being broken (the IR telescopes) was fixed a while ago. Just saying you need to take the whole wiki with a big grain of salt.
  17. I sacrificed a goat, three lolcats and a Kerbal. I hope that helps speed the fixing.
  18. Hm. Probably can't support KSP Interstellar either then, if it only supports ModuleEngines and ModuleEnginesFX.
  19. Yeah, but my point was that given the current progression, you'll probably get antimatter reactors before you see any use out of He3. I know that's the path my career game is quickly taking.
  20. Ahhhh. Unfortunate. Another question...more general I suppose. Is there any practical use for He3? I can't think of one. Not after reading the wiki. Since it can't be created in the VAB (all the tanks start empty), that means something like...what was the example the wiki used? Two years of in-game time doing tritium breeding with a pile of 3.75m fission reactors on tritium breeding to produce all of, what, five or so units of He3? And all that with the ship needing to be active too, or it won't produce any He3, just tritium? That just...that's crazy. Why bother if you're going to burn through all that He3 in far, far, far shorter time? But hell, I don't even clearly understand how to get from point A to H along this line of fission and fusion reactors. I know tritium can be created in the VAB. So...what, should I create a single ship with an absolutely unwieldy amount of tritium (like, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of the default containers), put it in orbit (or maybe next to the KSC's VAB), and just wait? The part count would be crazy. Edit: Yup. Even that would have to be in focus the entire time. How could anyone build-up a supply of He3 and also play the game? The wiki says "if you have a supply" it makes for good energy production, but I'm at a complete loss as to any sort of efficient way to get to that point. From the sound of it, He3 is actually many orders of magnitude harder to obtain than antimatter. One could argue that Jool provides He3 in the atmosphere but if you're out there anyway, why not just put a pile of collectors in orbit and get hold of lots and lots of antimatter, in a much shorter time?
  21. Hm. Perhaps. You didn't release the change I mentioned in my post yet, did you? I tried the capacitors to see if they'd dump to MJ and nope. But then again, it doesn't seem EC is getting converted at all.
  22. With this change, I wonder if it's possible to use Near Future capacitors to dump electric charge that was stored-up over a long period of time from capacitors into MJ. It would mean we could use something like a pile of solar panels to gather lots of energy over time, and then use it all for a quick but powerful burn for an orbital manoeuvre. It'd definitely make plasma thrusters way, way more viable. As it is I kinda have no clue what they're doing so early in the tech tree. When I got them, I looked at them and realized I didn't have a hope at all of powering them. The stock ion drive would be better.
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