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Posts posted by jgjiscool

  1. C:\Users\Jayson Grieve\Desktop\KSP Mod Manager\Mod Packager

    Umm. I was testing my downloader DLL and this was the file path. Excuse my username there. And yes. I\'m making a mod manager for KSP.

  2. The AlphaBeta Mod Manager for KSP will provide a new interface for packaging and installing addons. Potentially it will allow there to be a \'general format\' that all addons can use.

    This project is still in development and any suggestions should be mentioned here in comments (or PM me. Your choice.)


    This project is back in the development stage again! I have found some new stuffs and so I\'m going to use Zlib compression for this project. Basically give me a week or two and I should have a mod-makers release with some testing features.

    Currently I am just creating a simple GUI for mod makers to use to pack their mods, but eventually I\'ll get some screenshots up and we\'ll see some progress. The basic idea is that you\'ll no longer need to copy-paste everything into and out of the mods folder, or make sure that you have a plugin installed as the manager will handle all of this before starting KSP (this should be launched first so that mods can be configured.) Currently the method of packing mods does not preserve the file system, so I\'ve decided to use a .ZIP format instead and encrypt it so that it can\'t be modified.

    Another feature that could be possible is automatic updating. For users that use Dropbox to host their addons, I can get a download from it of the file requested. Possibly this would be a version file that would be used simply to check the version, then, if the addon is outdated, the user can update to the new one. The existing information would be deleted and the new version put in it\'s place.

    Let me know what you guys think, otherwise I\'ll discontinue my current work. This page will be updated when I remember. If I remember. Sometime.

  3. You suddenly realise that you\'ve been inactive on the KSP forum for way too long and quickly resolve to use it more often if only the dinosaur will go away which it promptly does. Then you notice the Squad logo on the side. You take a calm stroll down to floor 120 and buy a drink... some sort of drink. Come to think of it, it tastes a little like rocket fuel... How do you know what that tastes like? Don\'t ask.

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