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Everything posted by shufflermuffler

  1. Its a plane in a box!! Who would have thought? Taking off showing KSPs realistic features: A bit of upside down flying (couldn't really tell though): Unfortunately landing opens the box...
  2. And for my second contribution, here is the G4 Virus in memory of his youtube account! Its over 700 parts and 200 tonnes. It can carry 30 tonnes to LKE or higher!! It can also make interplanetary trips.
  3. Come on!! No judging at all, and don't worry there are bigger ones than this. Please post yours.
  4. Show off your largest craft! Give out Rep to your favorites. My first craft is the SSTO space Cargo plane BMF MKII, It is a 617 part, 140 tonne behemoth that can handle 20 tonnes of cargo to duna or laythe. I built this bad boy last year with inspiration from G4Virus.
  5. This is the BMF Mk2 Which first built in 2012, Its 140 Tonnes, 614 parts and can fly all over. legs at the back for easy loading and unloading Its similar to G4Virus and Overfloater this year.
  6. Built this 2 years ago with Inspiration from G4Virus, It's very similar to what Overfloater does now on youtube. It took me about a weekend from what i can remember to get it flyable It's about 615 parts and 140 tonnes. <5 km/s of delta v, which means i use it for cargo shuttling to laythe and sometimes carrying landers for moons. It's quite easy to fly. At the back there are some landing legs for easy loading and unloading.
  7. In the vid (which is unavailable) Im guessing he is using the editor extensions mod, where you can switch symmetry modes
  8. No this happens no matter what, ive taken all of the wings off until i have only 1 on each side, and its always tilted forward
  9. I don't recall ever seeing a picture of someone else's center of lift being tilted forward, it might supposed to be there but i don't know. Does anyone know if it should be tilted or not?
  10. That looks great! Do you think that you could look at the programming behind the fshost that i mentioned? could any of that be applied to your client
  11. Same width as texas? it will be 38 meters by 38 meters. Where the hell did you hear that?
  12. Dude im talking about a mod, not to the devs, a lot of people are making these from scratch, im thinking that you could just get this program and use it for ksp
  13. People have made microsoft flight simulator multiplayer programs, which are not part of the actual simulator. the servers still run through the simulator, but the seperate program connects and runs it. i'm no programmer, but if some of you mod makers could take a look into these. this is one of them. http://www.chocolatesoftware.com/fshost/ There are two different parts, the server operator program and the player program. Could a modified version of this work on Ksp?
  14. This will be great for docking massive parts to my space station, thanks a lot
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